Google fired 48 people for sexual harassment, says CEO


Google has fired 48 employees for sexual harassment over the past two years, announced today the company's CEO and Human Resources Officer. This includes 13 senior executives. The memo stated that none of these managers had received an "exit package", a term for cash and equities traded in exchange, usually for departure without legal action or other claims.

The message came on the heels of a New York Times story that Andy Rubin, the co-creator of Android, would have received $ 90 million to quietly leave the company in 2014, after the firm had found credible an allegation of sexual assault against Rubin by an employee from Google with whom he was already out.

This statement was signed by the CEO, Sundar Pichai, and bore the signature "Sundar and Eileen". Eileen Naughton is the human resources manager for Google.

The memo was intended to reassure employees following an article describing the behavior of a few senior executives, one of whom remains within the company, "we review each complaint about sexual harassment or inappropriate conduct".

The mention of the output packet in the email was important because the Time History has documented tens of millions of dollars paid to Rubin and millions to another leader.

The e-mail also addresses a problem raised in the article regarding the relationships between company executives, which could make an employee depend on his or her advancement. Jennifer Blakely, a former Google employee, said she had left the company after attending the company's general counsel, David Drummond, for three years and that they had had a child together . She worked in her division.

Blakely said that the HR manager at the time had actually told her that she should leave the service, which she did. She left Google a year later. She and Drummond subsequently broke up, the Time Drummond's net worth, including future equity and option commitments, amounts to hundreds of millions of dollars.

Rubin and Pichai had struggled to control a combined division of Android and Chrome within Google, and Pichai had won. Google's reorganized as a holding company named Alphabet in 2015 and Pichai became CEO of the Google division, which realizes the core revenue and profits at Alphabet.

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