Google has finally added a dark mode to YouTube on Android


Photo: Sam Rutherford (Gizmodo)

Android 9 Pie has been out for a month, and although the addition of items such as digital wellness checks and practical actions makes Google's mobile operating system more user-friendly, I can only think of one of the most glaring omissions of Android. from a dark mode to the scale of the operating system.

Dark-mode user interfaces help prevent you from being blinded when checking your phone at night, and if you have a phone with an AMOLED display, they can even help you extend the battery life. That's why many third-party applications like Twitter, Twitch and Discord come with dark-themed user interfaces, with even a handful of Google apps, such as Google Weather, offering a hidden interface.

Unfortunately, even if my phone has a dark skin, YouTube on the dark theme still forces a white navigation bar.
Screenshot: Sam Rutherford (Gizmodo)

But in a strange twist of events, when Google decided to add a dark theme to YouTube, the desktop version of YouTube was the first, and YouTube for iOS is not far behind. And then for months, there was nothing.

Now, suddenly, it seems that YouTube for Android has finally received the call in version 13.35.51 with a dark theme touch that should help save your eyes at night.

Screenshot: Sam Rutherford (Gizmodo)

Unfortunately, YouTube's dark theme on Android uses a very dark gray background instead of a pure black, which would be the best option for extending the battery life. .

On the bright side, setting the dark theme is very easy to activate. All you have to do is press the icon of your profile at the top right, select the "Settings" option, and then simply press the button to activate the dark theme of YouTube . The only problem I had with the whole process was to bring up the dark theme rocker, which was quickly corrected by the forced closure of YouTube a few times after the update of the # 39; s application.

But the real hope, now that YouTube has finally a dark mode across the board, is that Google is starting to do it for other major apps or even Android itself. After all, Windows 10 has a dark mode, the beta version of macOS Mojave has a dark mode. It's time for Android to get the program.

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