Google has remotely changed the settings of a group of phones running Android 9 Pie


Yesterday, a mix of people with Google Pixel phones and other devices running Android 9 Pie noticed that the Battery Saver function of the software had been activated, apparently alone. And oddly enough, this happened when the phones were almost charged, not when the battery was low. As reported by Android font, initially, it was assumed that it was some kind of minor bug in the latest version of Android, which was only available a few weeks ago. Some users thought that they had just turned on the battery saver without noticing it.

But it was actually Google at fault.

The company posted a message on Reddit last night, acknowledging "an in-house experiment to test the battery-saving features deployed by mistake to more users than expected." Google has therefore changed remotely – and by accident the customers. Several staff members The edge known the problem. "We have now restored the default battery saver settings. Please configure at your convenience, "writes the Pixel team on Reddit.

This was not just limited to Pixel phones; The devices, including essential phones, OnePlus 6, Nokia and other devices running on Pie (even in beta), activate Battery Saver without any user intervention.

Apple and Google both have the means to urgently force updates or make other changes to iOS and Android, respectively. This is a necessary option to ensure the safety of users, and this is not new. In 2008, Steve Jobs confirmed that Apple had an option to remove malicious applications. he said The Wall Street Journal "We hope we never have to pull that lever, but we would be irresponsible not to have a lever like that." But it is the silent and invasive nature of this mistake that disturbs some people.

You hope that there will be more walls between Google's internal Android tests and the Android operating system that customers use daily on their personal devices.

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