Google Home Smart Speaker Free for Everyone? That's how Google will beat Amazon, according to an analyst


Google has fallen behind Amazon in the space of smart emerging speakers. To catch up, Morgan Stanley analyst Brian Nowak suggested that Google should offer all US homes a free Google Home Mini, priced at $ 49 each. ( Google Store )

Google should give every home in the United States a free Google Home Mini if ​​it wants to beat Amazon in the emerging industry of smart speakers, according to Brian Nowak , analyst at Morgan Stanley

. ] Google will spend a lot of money with such a plan, but according to Nowak, the reward will be worth it. It remains to be seen whether Google will take into account the opinion of the analyst.

Free Google Home Mini for Everyone

In a note to investors, Nowak wrote that Alphabet should give a mini Google Home Mini smart speaker to every household. the United States, because Google is losing ground for Amazon in terms of search queries.

The Google Home Mini is currently delivered with a price of $ 49, so the plan will cost Google about $ 3.3 billion. The massive figure, however, has been described by Nowak as a "small price tag", as Alphabet will earn about five times that amount over the next five years thanks to profits generated by retail search results.

Shopping combined with the expected benefit of Amazon in terms of basic installation could threaten the long-term growth of the category of research of consumer products monetizers of Alphabet Wrote Nowak. He estimates that Amazon will have a 62% share in the smart speaker market in the US by the end of 2018, compared to 33% for Google, and that more than 70% of households in the US countries will have a smart voice search. speaker by 2022.

Free Google Home Mini Smart Speakers will allow Google to catch up with Amazon by serving avenues for more search revenue and voice shopping opportunities. With an increasing number of online purchases made through voice, the initial $ 3.3 billion cost to distribute Google Home Mini devices may create an even more lucrative opportunity for Google.

Google Home vs. Amazon Echo

working to improve its range of Google Home devices, with new features such as continuing the conversation to no longer force users to say "hey "or" ok "each time and the recent addition of the Spanish language. There are also rumors that Google will soon launch a Google Home with screen.

Despite these improvements, it remains to be seen whether Google will be able to regain dominance of Amazon in the space of smart speakers. The debate between Google Home and Amazon Echo is raging, and Google Home's free mini-speakers for everyone could soon become an even more feasible plan for Google as the market expands

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