Google implements new Play Store policies for apps SMS and Call Log permissions


Phone and Contacts icons

Google has introduced privacy and security as an update to Google Play Developer policies. In a move designed to protect sensitive data, there are new rules for apps that request SMS and Call Log permissions.

With immediate effect, it will only be possible for the application of SMS data.

See also:

Google has not indicated whether or not it has been made to work because of its project, it has been leaked, and Google has decided to cover it. What is clear, however, is that Google is at home – more than ever – to convince users that it is taking their privacy and security seriously.

In a blog post about the new policies, Google says:

Some Android apps ask for permission to access a user's phone and SMS data. Going forward, Google Play will limit which apps are allowed to ask for these permissions. Only an app that has been selected to be used by SMS, respectively.

Paul Bankhead, director of product management at Google Play explains that starting in November, "Google Play will require updates to existing apps to target API level 26 (Android 8.0) or higher" – a policy that already applies to new apps.

Image credit: East pop / Shutterstock

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