Google Inbox will disappear in March 2019



As the fourth anniversary of Google Inbox approaches, the Gmail display alternative should be removed in March 2019.

"Four years after the launch of Inbox in 2014, we learned a lot about how to make e-mail more efficient. We've integrated popular Inbox experiences into Gmail to help more than a billion people use their email every day. Matthew Izatt, Google product manager, said in a blog post.

"Looking to the future, we want to take a more focused approach that will help us deliver the best messaging experience for everyone, so we plan to focus only on Gmail and say goodbye to the Gmail inbox in late March. 2019. "

The inbox is available as a mobile app and as a web interface to view Gmail accounts.

During the inbox life, some of its features, such as smart dialing, nudges, and email monitoring, have been reintroduced into Gmail.

Inbox users who are coming back to Gmail who have fallen back since their last redesign are really lucky they want to continue enjoying the features they rely on, as many are not available in classic Gmail.

Gmail users who do not use the latest design will find the unsubscribe option removed next month.

As a recently returned vacation person, the inbox's ability to automatically create groups of trips was invaluable and does not seem to have any analog in Gmail.

On a hardware level, Google is expected to launch Pixel 3 and Pixel 3 XL on October 9 in New York.

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