Google Maps redesigns the Explore section to make it easier to find restaurants


Google Maps is receiving an update today that will make it easier to find recommendations for restaurants and other places to visit. On iOS and Android, you will now see a redesigned version of the Explorer tab that appears at the bottom of the app when you open it. The new screen starts with big buttons that let you dive into the categories you want to know – cafes, sports bars, concert venues – and continues with lists of popular restaurants, upcoming events, and popular activities, like visiting a museum.

The update also adds a tab for you, which seems a bit like a news feed on local restaurants. The updates that Google shows me for Brooklyn and Manhattan include lists and articles of Eater (which is part of the same network as The edge) Grub Street, and Free time, among others.

What seems to be more useful, if it works, is that Google will now evaluate the restaurants based on what they think you will like them. When you tap on a place, it now indicates how far you are and will give you some context if you tap to see more. Since most people do not rate restaurants on Google Maps (I've never had one), they have to learn based on the types of restaurants you visit.

The match function seems to be on the spot in some cases (he has rated my favorite pizzas at 99% and 100% matches), but he also says that a dinner that I do not really like to visit is a 86 percent match, because Google thinks C is similar to a Cajun restaurant (not even okay) that I like. Notes do not appear for all restaurants either; I do not know if it's just because the feature is new, or if some restaurants just do not have enough data available.

At launch, some features will be a bit different between iOS and Android. Events and recommended activities, for example, are not present on iOS. The section for you of the application is also limited to certain countries – United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia and Japan – for the moment.

Google has a lot more in mind for Google Maps, including augmented reality directions and some social features to decide on restaurants with friends. The app has always been helpful in finding nearby restaurants, but not necessarily to choose between them and really get an idea of ​​the options. With today 's update, it seems that Google is getting closer to this direction and is building the service as Yelp' s competitor.

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