Google no longer welcomes crypto-minors on the Play Store


The new rule is not out of the left field. Google banned crypto-mining extensions from the Chrome Web Store in April because of "malware developers who try to abuse the platform at the expense of users." We bet that's also why the tech giant has decided to apply the same rule for Google Play.

The store will now prohibit any application intended for children but containing themes prohibited to adults, likely to prevent "Elsagate" applications from further breeding. If you remember, one of the problems with which YouTube struggles is the broadcast of disturbing and violent videos posing as children's programs. Google Play has the same problem – although it's probably not as bad for the platform as it is for YouTube, it also hosts a kids app that contains scary images and videos.

In addition to these two new rules, Google Play will now ban any app that sells explosives, firearms and ammunition. Plus, it takes steps to get rid of low quality, low effort applications. Apps that rip off others without adding anything original or anything of value, as well as multiple applications with a "similar content and user experience" created by the same developer will now have startup . The Play Store will also remove applications intended primarily to serve ads and those that intend to mislead users by claiming to be entirely different.

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