Google Pixel fans troll on YouTuber with photos really taken with an iPhone XS – BGR


Like on wheels, each new version of iPhone is accompanied by a kind of scandal often exaggerated for a dramatic effect and, in some cases, apparently invented from scratch. There was of course the Bendgate saga that accompanied the iPhone 6, and who could forget the downright comical hissgate which was born as a result of the release of the iPhone 7. We can say that the stupidest controversy we've seen with Apple has occurred recently with beautygate.

Among the complaints that the selfies on the iPhone XS are different from those of the iPhone X – that is, they look more sweet – YouTuber Jonathan Morrison recently released a series of selfies on social media that he said were taken with a Google Pixel 2. In reality, the photos were taken with the iPhone XS. As one could expect, the comments of the duped commentators who were manipulating photos taken from what they seemed to be an iPhone, were not lacking.

Among the most remarkable comments include: "could easily be confused with a DSLR", "the best portrait mode of the moment" and "I have an iPhone XS Max and what is Google doing in terms of software is witchcraft. this photo is so good lol. "

One of the photos taken by Morrison is visible below.

Morrison also posted a YouTube video describing his little photo joke with some technical explanations explaining why the photo quality on the iPhone XS overrides the iPhone X, all the saga surrounding beautygate notwithstanding.

Overall, the ongoing debate between the photo quality on iPhone and the Google Pixel 2 is definitely useless. The quality of the photos we can take today compared to what was possible a few years ago is absolutely crazy. In other words, any premium smartphone you buy today will take absolutely superb photos. Of course, camera enthusiasts could discuss for hours the pros and cons between different smartphones, but for an average buyer, the debate is just not worth having.

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