Google recognizes a problem of memory management on Pixel 3, solution to come


Google's Pixel 3 is suffering from a memory management problem since its release last month. Many thought it was because Google had decided to keep 4 GB of RAM instead of going to 6 GB or even 8 GB, like all other Android smartphones on the market. But it turns out that this is only a bug and that even if the memory management will not be as effective as that of the OnePlus 6T, it will improve compared to the one of today. Google confirmed that it was a bug and that it was working on a fix. In a statement that Google sent to 9to5Google this week, a fix will be available soon, in the coming weeks. It is possible that Google will fix this patch with the December security update instead of updating two different Pixel 3 updates.

This memory management bug is just one of the many problems Google has faced with its smartphones since their launch last month. They have already developed a fix for the camera, which did not save photos when you took pictures. It was a pretty embarrassing bug, but it's still this memory management bug. Especially considering the fact that it seems that Google did not even use the phone before its launch in October. The memory problems encountered here have been quite annoying for many who use these phones every day. Indeed, applications are redrawn each time you reopen the application, even if you only opened it in the background. It seems that Pixel 3 is very aggressive to close these applications, which Samsung did before, to save memory here. And if you use the camera, forget about it. Everything in the background will be closed because the camera needs more RAM to work properly. There is no deadline yet for the release of the update, but it is coming soon.

Context: One of the main criticisms of Pixel 3 is on its technical sheet. And these are the 4 GB of RAM there. In 2018, it seems to be a bit low. And with this memory management problem, it has been shown that a lot of users were right, it was a relatively small amount of RAM memory. But it's also important to remember that it's Google, they know what they're doing. The research giant says that there is a problem related to memory management over the phone. This problem will be fixed in a future update. We hope that all the problems will be solved. But that will probably not be perfect, because software simply can not compensate for missing hardware, which in this case lacks RAM.

Many users have found that if you streamed music from Spotify or Google Play Music, and then opened the camera to take a picture, streaming would stop. . Indeed, the phone was closing apps to free up RAM for the camera. It's something that really should not happen in 2018, even with 4GB of RAM. Users also saw that if they had more than a handful of applications open in the background, some would be closed and would need to be reloaded when you returned. What can be common on smartphones, but usually only when you have a ton of open applications, not a handle (like five applications). So, the bug fix that Google is currently working on should fix this memory issue, but it's still a big problem for many people, waiting for the bug fix.

ImpactAs usual with high-end smartphones, the Pixel 3 has been hit by many negative reviews about phone issues. Whether it is the non-backup of photos by the camera or memory management problems or the rear very easily, that's quite normal in the current world of smartphones, where each new version is examined under a microscope to look for the least possible error. Pixel 3 will get a series of bug fixes that will solve most of these problems, and everything will be fine. But it shows how important quality control is for businesses. Smartphone manufacturers, especially those of the size of Google, should be able to perform many quality checks before launching a smartphone, to ensure that these issues are not. But that did not seem to happen here with Google and Pixel 3, which forced Google to fix all these bug issues later. It also forces many customers to return their Pixel 3 and buy something else because they do not want to handle these bugs and / or wait for Google to fix them. And you really can not blame them. These bugs are a big problem and can really destroy the experience of a user with the phone. So not only is Google bad press, but a bug is also detrimental to potential customers of Pixel 3.

Google will fix this bug, hopefully as soon as possible. This does not mean that memory management will be completely fixed for Google and Pixel 3. But since Google is able to control the software from the bottom up, it should be able to optimize it a bit more to work with the 4 GB of RAM. included in the Pixel 3. Of course, Google could have avoided all this had it added 2GB of RAM to the Pixel 3, which would have made the specifications happier too, seeing the 6GB of RAM on the plug technical, as opposed to 4 GB. Google should launch this update in the coming weeks, exposing any problems encountered in the development of the patch. I hope this will be part of the December update, which will appear on the first Monday of December, and should reach all 3 pixels by here a week or two.

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