Google updates Firebase with enterprise-level support, ML kit face contours, a management API, and more.


Google today updated Firebase, its developer support service for creating apps for Android, iOS and the web. Firebase has gained enterprise class professional support, Face Contours ML Kit, Firebase Management API, iOS Test Lab, Performance Monitoring Enhancements and Firebase Predictions.

The announcements were made at the third annual Firebase summit in Prague, where Google also noted that more than 1.5 million apps were actively using Firebase every month. All of today's updates are designed to help enterprise developers create better applications, improve the quality of their applications, and grow their application business.

Paid Enterprise Level Support

Firebase is being added to Google Cloud Platform support packages. If you already have a paid support package, you can get answers to your Firebase questions through the support console. Available in beta by the end of this year, Firebase support will be included at no additional charge in the Google Cloud platform's paid support packages.

Free Firebase support will remain unchanged. The paid support option includes guaranteed SLAs, 24×7 support for critical issues, target response times, a dedicated technical account manager (if you are registered for Enterprise Support. ) and the ability to get an answer to Firebase questions via Google Cloud Platform support. .

Enhanced face detection with the ML kit

Google extends ML Kit's Face Detection API with beta launch of face contours, allowing developers to detect more than 100 detailed points on a user's face. The contours of the face allow applications to handle tasks such as the overlay of masks and accessories on the facial features (ears, eyes, nose, mouth, etc.) or add elements of the face. 39, beautification such as smoothing and coloring of the skin.

Google launched ML Kit for Android and iOS developers at its I / O developer conference in May. ML Kit is supposed to facilitate machine learning to all application developers, whether you use its APIs or bring your own TensorFlow Lite custom templates and that you serve them via Firebase.

Firebase Management API

Google has released the Firebase Management API, a REST API that allows developers to programmatically create and manage projects and applications. This means that you can create and destroy Firebase environments as part of your existing development workflow.

In addition, partners can create new experiences on Firebase. You already have two: You can now deploy to Firebase Hosting directly from the StackBlitz and Glitch Web IDEs – their platforms will automatically detect when you create a Firebase application and display a "Deploy to Firebase" button.

IOS test lab and performance monitoring

Firebase Test Lab. for iOS, launched in beta to I / O in May, is now available to all Test Lab users. Google has extended the battery of iOS devices, added support for iOS 12 as well as older iOS versions and integrated the UI for iOS to the Firebase console. Developers can now test Android or iOS apps on a wide variety of devices and device configurations and view results (logs, videos, and screenshots) from the Firebase console.

Performance monitoring gives you information about bugs and performance issues and automatically highlights the most critical ones in a given trace instance. Now you can dive into an individual trace session to see exactly what was happening when a performance problem was occurring (the dashboard below, for example, indicates that CPU usage on the phone increases after the application and loading of a product image).

Google has also added the ability to disable, close, and reopen your console issues. Muting temporarily cuts off the problem, while marking it as closed indicates that the problem has been resolved, although Firebase always warns you if the problem reoccurs.

Firebase Predictions

Firebase Predictions, which applies Google's automatic learning to the analysis data of your applications and creates user segments based on predicted behavior, also affected overall availability. Predictions let you know which segments of users may be abandoning, spending, or terminating another conversion event without using any expertise in multilingualism.

There is also a new detail page that shows you the factors that the ML model (events, device, user data, etc.) take into account in making this prediction, as well as performance metrics for each prediction, which illustrate performance. historical predictions with respect to the actual user. behavior. You can export your full forecast dataset to BigQuery for further analysis or use it in third-party services.

About BigQuery, Firebase now offers a Data Studio model, which allows you to use it in custom ML models or to further analyze forecast data and generate a sharable report in BigQuery. You can preview the model with dummy data, and then customize the report as needed.

In August, Google integrated Crashlytics with BigQuery so that developers could perform a more in-depth analysis of your incident data. Firebase was the next logical step.

About Crashlytics, Google added a new Firebase Crashlytics stability summary email and a new integration with PagerDuty. The first highlights emerging issues that may become problematic in the future and the second allows you to alert your team about a high-impact crash.

Remote configuration is also related to Firebase Predictions. It is now integrated with Cloud Functions and Firebase cloud messaging so you can notify your applications almost in real time when you publish (or cancel) a new configuration. Remote configuration allows developers to modify their application, customize the user interface, or publish a new feature without deploying a new version that may disrupt users.

Until now, it was not easy to know when the remote configuration of an application was updated. This update reduces the complexity of the configuration and uses less bandwidth on the devices because the applications only need to recover when a new configuration is available. In addition, remote configuration can now trigger developer-defined functions when you publish or cancel your configuration. This allows you to synchronize different projects (for development / intermediate / production workflows) and even send Slack messages to your team during the new configuration. published. Google has created console-based tutorials that help customers integrate predictions with Remote Config and A / B testing. You can compare strategy performance when a predictive user segment is targeted to an audience. standard.

Finally, also for ease of testing, Google has released local emulators for Cloud Firestore and the Realtime database. They are designed to help you develop and test locally, or even be part of your workflow of continuous integration.

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