Google will kill the Inbox app in favor of Gmail


Google plans to close its Inbox email app because it is refocusing on Gmail as the preferred email client.

The search giant said Wednesday it would "bid farewell" to the inbox at the end of March 2019. Google did not say why it was closing Inbox, released in 2014 and touted as an application of messaging more agile and experimental than the old one. Gmail app

Google Gmail Product Manager Matthew Izatt wrote on a blog that inbox users could see an online guide to get started with Gmail. He also said, "All your conversations are already waiting for you in Gmail," which means that inbox users will not have to migrate their emails stored to Gmail.

Since its inception, Inbox has served as a testbed for features such as "Smart Answers," which suggest users respond briefly to emails containing certain questions, which have been integrated into Gmail.

"Inbox by Gmail has been a great place to experiment with new ideas such as snoozing e-mails or testing the latest AI-based experiences, such as Smart Reply, Nudges and Priority Notifications, to help you to stay productive ".

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Izatt said Google has recently updated its Gmail app with a new design that includes some of Inbox's features, such as "Smart Compose," which offers phrases and phrases to use in emails to spend less time to write.

Inbox now joins a number of missing Google apps, including its Spaces email application and Google Reader.

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