Google's 20th Anniversary: ​​Take a Street View Tour of its 1998 Garage Office


Google was incorporated on September 4, 1998, but the company has been celebrating its anniversary on September 27 for more than a decade. Today, it marks the twentieth anniversary of Google Search with a lot of interactive features: there is a video doodle highlighting the most popular searches over the years, a time capsule of the search terms of the search engine. Easter egg, a guided tour and finally, a redesign of the Google Images office.

While the video doodle is pretty cute and simple, there are plenty of hidden treasures to find in Susan Wojcicki's Menlo Park garage, where Larry Page and Sergey Brin set up Google's first office. You can click to take a virtual tour of the entire house, which has been painstakingly recreated to look like that of 1998. There's a whole bunch of scattered 90s gadgets, and open the secret door and turn on. Neon to find more Google memories.

Google Worldwide Headquarters.

The Easter eggs continue until the search bar, where the issues of the early days of the internet bring sweet suggestions for more modern phrases. For example, if you perform a search on "how to tell someone you like them", you get a message titled "This is 2018! Did you mean: swipe right. Here is a complete list of all the retro terms you can look for, as well as their modern counterparts.

Google Search Easter Eggs

Search term It's 2018! Did you mean
Search term It's 2018! Did you mean
mp3 file listen to music
watch a DVD streaming subscription
googol Google
Gettin's jiggy wit it floss dance
page me new phone, who say?
butterfly clip styles upper node
1998 World Football Champions 2018 World Football Champions
chat text the group
how to tell someone you love them drag right
low trousers how to wear high-waisted trousers
digital pet shake the spinner
baby bae
What is Y2K? How does cryptocurrency work?
Name of the screen social handle
clipart GIF
keep it real keep it at 100

To coincide with its anniversary, Google also featured a redesigned Google Images desktop experience, which was part of Monday's announcement of a news feed on its mobile homepage. A new ranking algorithm for image search will show more content related to what you are looking for, and the images will contain more context and information on the page from which they come.

There is a lot to play with today. If you want to dive even further, you can read Google's publication on its most notable blogs so far, or play with this interactive tool that provides brief information about our research trends over the years. For a complete history of the search giant's greatest moments in the last 20 years, read our chronology of how the Google search engine has redefined the world.

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