Google's Google Touring Bird is a travel tool to help vacationers find free activities in new cities


The area incubation area of ​​Google 120 is again equipped with a new tool to help you find holiday activities. This tool, called Touring Bird, is a mobile-designed website that lists tours, attractions, and activities to be done in the most popular travel destinations. You can filter by price from zero to over $ 500, time, duration and even cancellation terms, which seems convenient.

Until now, the site only provides information on a handful of destinations, including Prague, Toronto, Orlando, Chicago and Amsterdam. It seems to be North America and the European center so far. It is also available only in English, so tourists who prefer other languages ​​will not find much use on this site.

If you click on cities like Paris or New York, you will see the top three top attractions that any tourist would probably already be aware of without the help of Touring Bird. But once you scroll further, you'll find tips that even some locals may not know, according to Google. They are organized by a team of experts. (How many New Yorkers already knew you could study law for free by attending criminal hearings?)

One of the main benefits of using this site also seems to be the easy access to the terms of the cancellation policy for each tour and each attraction, which are usually hidden in small print or require a phone call. With a focus on free activities, the site appears to be a free tool to use Hopper to find cheap flights and Kayak to find hotels.

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