Google's new "Squoosh" app is designed to optimize your images


You can access Squoosh online through its lightweight website and, once loaded, it can also work offline in the browser. The web application is relatively simple to use: it supports a range of web formats such as JPG, MozJPEG, WebP and PNG. It also shows you a 1: 1 visual comparison of the original image and the compressed version, to help you illustrate the differences. When done, simply tap download to save the image locally. Squoosh is an open source tool. If you are interested in how it works internally, you can view the code on GitHub.

Nevertheless, the irony of Google obsessed with the pages loading time, while ignoring how much Chrome is inflated, will not be lost for many users. Elsewhere, Big G is also campaigning to turn its fast-loading mobile web pages into a Web standard. the entire canvas in his aegis. Eradicating notoriously large images is an integral part of this master plan.

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