Google's Pixel 3 event will take place on October 9th


Google has sent out invitations for a 9 October event, which will almost certainly be the official announcement of the Pixel 3 and Pixel 3 XL smartphones, which have leaked a lot of ink.

There is not much to do with the invitation in terms of clues – just a simple phrase "I <3 NY", which subtly suggests Pixel 3 with the number in the heart emojicon, but considering devices already released, Google probably does not need to do much more to promote the ad.

The Pixel 3 and the Pixel 3 XL are the third generation of the Pixel range of the Google brand launched in 2016. In recent weeks, the hardware units of both devices have made their way into the world, which gives us a very good idea what to expect from the announcement. Both devices are expected to have some design changes, including a large controversial slot on the Pixel 3 XL and a rear window for wireless charging on both devices. Each of the Pixel cameras will also have two front cameras and one rear camera.

The Pixel 3 and 3 XL may have already fled, but last year's event was also marked by Google's announcement of a variety of products, including Pixelbook, Google Home Mini and Max, Pixel Buds and Clips. There is plenty of room for more surprises on October 9th.

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