H1Z1 Pro League closes its doors


The co-owner quotes "decreasing interest" in the game

Earlier this year, I was invited to Las Vegas to cover the inaugural weekend of H1Z1 Pro League or H1PL. It was a big affluent affair, staged by the league's owners, Twin Galaxies, with the participation of celebrities such as Michelle Rodriguez who was there to launch what league director, Jace Hall, saw as the next evolutionary step of the sport.

The league players signed a contract and were to receive a portion of a $ 250,000 stipend paid by the league. According to ESPN, this allowance has never been paid and, while some team owners were able to cover the expenses of players out of pocket, others were not. Obey Alliance was the first team to retire from the league two months ago, and now all teams have been sacked from the league. According to a message sent to the teams by Hall and obtained by ESPN, the league is still working to pay the teams.

The H1PL was launched in April, exclusively on Facebook, but was apparently able to reach only 7,900 simultaneous viewers on the platform. In comparison, the Overwatch The grand finale of the league peaked at 319,000 viewers last summer. H1Z1 is now available for PC and PS4, this latest platform reaching ten million downloads earlier this year.

H1Z1 The Pro League Announces Payment Problems [ESPN]

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