Halloween Terror Event Overwatch is live, Torbjorn editing is complete


The Halloween Terror Overwatch event is live and offers the return of Junkenstein's PvE Revenge fight, a set of new seasonal skins and an opportunity to recover "spooky equipment from previous years" that you may have missed out on. last time. .

The hit of Halloween Terror also marks the launch of the latest patch, which complements the Torbjörn reshuffle detailed last month. "Torbjörn was originally designed to be a specialized hero, intended to be a powerful defensive option because of his abilities to generate armor and control areas with his turret. Armor Pack mechanisms have shown gambling problems because of their holiday or famine, "says Blizzard.

"To make it more flexible in a wide variety of situations, we've removed the recovery system, simplified turret deployment, replaced the Armor Pack capability with Overload – a powerful self-buff – and turned the Molten Core into a powerful one. new denial zone ultimate ability. "

The turret is now a launched projectile that will build automatically in three seconds, even if Torbjorn is removed, and no longer has multiple levels. It will have the same damage as the previous level 2 turret and 250 health instead of 300. The new Overload ability will grant 150 armor points and a 30% increase in attack speeds, moving and reloading for five seconds with a recharge time of 12 seconds. , while the Molten Core Ultimate will allow him to shoot up to ten "melted globules" that will create significant damage when they land. Their base damage is 130 and is increased to 190 against armored enemies.

Brigitte, Doomfish, McCree, Pharah, Mei, Orisa and Soldier: 76 have also been modified (but not so dramatically), the Assault, Escort and Assault / Escort Hybrid Card configuration timer has been changed from 1 minute to 45 minutes . seconds, and the stopwatch Assemble your team for the second round on these cards has been increased from 10 to 25 seconds.

The full patch notes are available on playoverwatch.com, and if you'd rather just check out the new skins, we have the full range for you here.

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