Hands on with the 2018 MacBook Air: the best and worst features


Years ago, Apple replaced its traditional keyboards with a new type of keyboard. It had shallower keys, and it was a revelation. Suddenly I could type faster than ever before.

In recent years, Apple has attempted to evolve its keyboard further. I can’t speak to those iterations, but the latest evolution in the MacBook Air feels like another massive step forward — along the lines of the previous keyboard evolution so many years ago.

The keys are somehow even more shallow than previous generations of Apple’s keyboards, but they’ve got a new clickiness that offers more reassurance than ever before that you’ve actually hit a key. Is it noisy? Yes, it’s a little noisy. Do I notice it? No more than I notice typing on any other keyboard. It’s certainly less noisy than the mechanical keyboard I use on my gaming PC, and maybe a bit louder than typing on Apple’s previous keyboard.

For some reason, in many reviews of the new MacBook Air, Apple’s new keyboard is seen as a negative. To each his/her own of course, but I have no idea what they’re talking about. I took to the new keyboard immediately, and already wish it were a standard on every other device I type on.

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