Has a single typo twisted the AI ​​in "Aliens: Colonial Marines"?


We've already highlighted TemplarGFX ACM's "Revision" mod that was trying to fix some of the game's most glaring problems, but now the NeoGAF ResetEra forum posts are avoiding a modder update that could change everything. Late last year, James Dickinson revealed that changing an apparent spelling error in an INI file from "Teather" to "Tether" creates a huge change in the way alien Xenomorphs pursue and attack the player throughout the game.

(My document My Games Aliens Colonial Marines PecanGame Config PecanEngine.ini) is the following line of code:

ClassRemapping = PecanGame.PecanSeqAct_AttachXenoToTether -> PecanGame.PecanSeqAct_AttachPawnToTeather [19659003] I am sure you will notice the error mistake

ClassRemapping = PecanGame.PecanSeqAct_AttachXenoToTether -> PecanGame.PecanSeqAct_AttachPawnToTether

If you correct it to look like the above and you play the game, the difference is rather crazy!

Why is this line important? There are two reasons:
1) AttachXenoToTether does not do anything. It's essentially empty or stripped
2) AttachPawnToTether does ALOT. It controls the tactical adjustment of the position, patrol and zoning of the target

When an Xeno is spawned, it is attached to a zone tie. This zone tells the Xeno which zone is its combat zone and where are the different exits. In Combat, a Xeno will have to move to a new clip (like the one behind you) to flank, or disperse so they are not grouped together, and so on. (* warning * this is an inferred opinion, I do not see the actual code only bits)

Whenever the game tried to do it, nothing happened. Now, it does!

The players have been making efforts to fix the game by themselves almost since its release, while Sega and Gearbox have swapped the blame for its various disappointments. We have contacted the Gearbox developer to learn more about this particular value and if it works as described, but have not yet received a response. At PCGamer they tried the tweak, and the initial tests show that the xenomorphs are more aggressive with better tracking.

If that's what it seems to be, it's not even the first time it's happened year – PCGamesN listed it with a fault typing a word (YEILD instead of YIELD) in Civilization VI files that turned AI opponents into religious fanatics. Firaxis later recognized the bug, noting that "I was before e" is usually the rule.

If you're ready to pick up the game and try it, the posters have noted that Fanatical (fka BundleStars) has the game on sale for $ 3.

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