Here are a ton of footage without pro images Super Smash Bros. Ultimate



I wish a complete vote on the argument "elements compared to no element". I had this kind of discussion in my head as soon as I started writing this article and I will do it.

And we are back to the news!

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is a few months away, and smash The boss Sakurai said that although the surprises are not as massive as before, there are still some things to reveal. In other words, we have seen almost everything outside of one or two new characters (or a big hunter), so relax and enjoy the game.

Most Valuable Gaming managed to hit a Ultimate Smash Preliminary tournament in Detroit and captured a ton of videos (good quality) off the screen of the event. In short, you can go to their YouTube channel to watch more than one hour or enjoy some clips embedded below.

Now, on the vote! There is no "sometimes" delusional option to scramble the results: just vote on the mode you play most of the time. I usually play what my bands want, and in most cases it's not an element.

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