Here are the 20 new Pokémon Gen 4 now installed in 'Pokémon GO'.

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Pokemon GONiantic

Niantic has dragged this version a bit, but Gen 4 has finally arrived Pokémon GO. Not quite, because Niantic will channel Gen 3 and release more than 100 new Pokémon Gen 4 waves and we are starting to see who is exactly in the game now.

Niantic said the three starters at least would be in the game as of today, which they relayed in their announcement message, but as Pokemon GO players are hunting in the wild, there are many more Pokémon in addition to those that have been teased / advertised in recent days.

The list will be long, but here is what we have seen in nature or has evolved since generation 4:

  • Turtwig, Grotle, Torterra
  • Piplup, Prinplup, Empoleon
  • Chimchar, Monferno, Infernape
  • Starly, Staravia, Staraptor
  • Cricketot (2 km from eggs), Kricketune
  • Bidoof, Bibarel
  • Buneary, Lopunny
  • Chatot (possible regional of the southern hemisphere)
  • Carnivine (mainly from the southern United States)

Pokemon GONiantic

If you're looking for a pattern here, I'm not sure you found one. The three starters are obviously of various types, grass, fire, water, but we also have flying, normal and bug types, as well as at least one more type of grass in Carnivine. It may not be all that yet, but it's hard to define an exact group here.

The trailer showed other generations 4 like Munchlax, Glaceon and Leafeon, which are existing Pokémon evolutions or pre-evolutions, but I have not seen any reports yet. There are many Pokémon Gen 4 that are evolutions of previous generations, but that does not seem all of those are still live.

If it ends up being the complete list, there are 20 Pokémon Gen 4 in the game now, and if Gen 4 is out in waves, it goes without saying that we could see about 4-5 waves before we get more 100 new Pokémon, which can take a few weeks or even months. And then there are the legendaries, the myths, etc. Many to come.

Pokemon GONiantic

Although there is not a ton of Gen 4 in the wild, there are many more than a few hours ago, so go ahead and try to get them safe if you can. I think they show up more often, as usually happens when new generators and more and more old come out in a loop, so hopefully you can reap a good amount.

Stay tuned for this post and come back regularly to find out if there are others in this first batch, and try to find out if there is a publishing model here or if Niantic simply chooses what it wants.

Follow me on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. Read my new detective science fiction novel Herokiller, now available in print and online. I have also written The trilogy born of the earth.


Niantic has dragged this version a bit, but Gen 4 has finally arrived Pokémon GO. Not quite, because Niantic will channel Gen 3 and release more than 100 new Pokémon Gen 4 waves and we are starting to see who is exactly in the game now.

Niantic said the three starters at least would be in the game as of today, which they relayed in their announcement message, but as Pokemon GO players are hunting in the wild, there are many more Pokémon in addition to those that have been teased / advertised in recent days.

The list will be long, but here is what we have seen in nature or has evolved since generation 4:

  • Turtwig, Grotle, Torterra
  • Piplup, Prinplup, Empoleon
  • Chimchar, Monferno, Infernape
  • Starly, Staravia, Staraptor
  • Cricketot (2 km from eggs), Kricketune
  • Bidoof, Bibarel
  • Buneary, Lopunny
  • Chatot (possible regional of the southern hemisphere)
  • Carnivine (mainly from the southern United States)

If you're looking for a pattern here, I'm not sure you found one. The three starters are obviously of various types, grass, fire, water, but we also have flying, normal and bug types, as well as at least one more type of grass in Carnivine. It may not be all that yet, but it's hard to define an exact group here.

The trailer showed other generations 4 like Munchlax, Glaceon and Leafeon, which are existing Pokémon evolutions or pre-evolutions, but I have not seen any reports yet. There are many Pokémon Gen 4 that are evolutions of previous generations, but that does not seem all of those are still live.

If it ends up being the complete list, there are 20 Pokémon Gen 4 in the game now, and if Gen 4 is out in waves, it goes without saying that we could see about 4-5 waves before we get more 100 new Pokémon, which can take a few weeks or even months. And then there are the legendaries, the myths, etc. Many to come.

Although there is not a ton of Gen 4 in the wild, there are many more than a few hours ago, so go ahead and try to get them safe if you can. I think they show up more often, as usually happens when new and older generators start up a bit, so we can hope that we will be successful.

Stay tuned for this post and come back regularly to find out if there are others in this first batch, and try to find out if there is a publishing model here or if Niantic simply chooses what it wants.

Follow me on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. Read my new detective science fiction novel Herokiller, now available in print and online. I have also written The trilogy born of the earth.

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