Here are the specifications of Infinity Flex screen for Samsung foldable phone


Samsung's Infinity Flex screen specifications, which are expected to be used on the company's next foldable phones, have now been revealed. The information was originally provided by Samsung at the company's developer conference and at what is presumed to be an in-camera session. Since then, different users have widely shared specifications and other details on social networks, including: Shara Tibken from CNET.

In terms of specifications and waiting, they differ according to the nature of the use of the phone. For example, when it is used in what Samsung calls "theCoverage display"Forms then the display measures 4.58 inches with a resolution of 840 x 1960 and a 21: 9 aspect ratio. This is accompanied by a screen density of 420 dpi. On the other hand, when used in theMain display"The size of the screen increases dramatically to 7.3 inches with an increase in resolution to 1536 x 2152. While the screen density remains the same in this mode, the aspect ratio is adjusted to 4.2: 3.

Context: Samsung's day has been busy, with the company having announced a new user interface designed to unclutter the user experience on Samsung phones featuring Android technology, as well as providing the company with an overview of the different types of notches offered by Samsung. probably use on future devices. However, the most remarkable announcement of the day was without doubt the first public release of the company's first folding phone (shown above). Let's be clear, Samsung did not unveil a phone, but introduced a design supposed to be representative of the foldable phone of the company. More aptly, the presentation was designed to demonstrate the display technology that will be used on these devices, and what Samsung now officially calls its "Infinity Flex"Display technology. This announcement also coincided (not coincidentally) with another announcement made today by Google at its own Android development summit, which confirmed that Android now officially added support for foldable screens . As the two ads coincide, it seems clear that the technology is now approaching the ready-to-use state. In addition, the introduction of a collapsible phone by Samsung will probably be one of the first, and certainly the most prominent, to arrive on the market.

Despite the schedule of ads from Google and Samsung, it has not revealed too much detail on the phone and has not really provided detailed information about when its solution would arrive. on the market, aside from the way it was preparing for mass sales produce the display in the "next month"This naturally led to think that the technology will be more readily available at some point in 2019.

Impact: When the first announcement of the foldable phone's new design was announced, Samsung was visibly quiet about specs and provided almost all the details in depth in general. What makes these specs all the more revealing as it seems clear now that Samsung is relying primarily on the use of the unfolded form as the main objective and selling point behind its foldable phone. In fact, Samsung pretty much said this outright by referring to the unfolded form as "theMain display"That aside, the now-revealed specifications also explain why Samsung has taken this approach because the format report means that it will be a pretty unusually high smartphone when it's in the dark." it will be used in shell mode, not to mention the height of the phone that might not please users of this format, but also the overall appearance of the case of using the screen with its appearance much older in terms of look and design compared to the product.will look when it is used in an unfolded state.This places the device in a rather usual territory because it is clear that in the state not folded, it will be slightly larger than the usual telephony standards, at 7.3 inches, although the folded state and more user-friendly, in terms of portability, is not really user-friendly at first.

Subsequent revelations by Tibken brought a little more clarity to this subject. It seems that Samsung is promoting the cover display form as a quick way to access some of the most basic phone-related tasks, such as making easy phone calls, answering messages, taking pictures, and so on. In many ways, we could say that the Cover Display is designed as an enhanced version of the notification panel or permanent display already used on many smartphones, including those of Samsung. Unlike the collapsible form and close to that of a tablet, it will offer a much higher functionality, including the ability to multitask more efficiently. For example, Tibken also reveals that Flipboard is one of the services already running on a cross-version of the application that gives access to a limited view of the application when Cover Display is used and to a more complete and usable version. when accessing in the main display form.

Of course, it should be emphasized here that it is a first-generation product and that it is therefore normal to expect that the final result will be not as satisfying as it is nor boasting the best of both worlds. What's more important about the current state of a new product's life cycle is that it's working well enough and satisfying consumers and the market as a proof of concept. From now on, Samsung will inevitably seek to refine the design points and will probably try to create a device that looks as attractive and useful when used in both modes. In the meantime, however, if you plan to take this phone when it becomes available, you should also expect to use it mainly in an unfolded form, with the option of folding it down as and when it becomes available. as needed – not on the other. that some had expected before.

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