Here's how & # 39; Wolfenstein II & # 39; manages to run on Nintendo Switch


Some changes are obvious. The Switch port uses very aggressive on-the-fly resolution changes, dropping the game to 640×360 even when you dock your system – it's a better played game in wearable mode. Panic Button has also lowered the target frame rate to 30FPS, reduced texture quality and produced much simpler water effects without glare and 3D interaction.

Other changes, however, are more subtle. Although the gameplay is intact, there are minor changes in the environment to maintain performance (such as inserting a wall to block an extremely detailed backdrop). Volumetric lighting and shading are not as inconspicuous. And in some cases, there are performance improvements. The frame rate is usually more consistent than on the usual PS4 and Xbox consoles (not to mention the previous version Doom on Switch), while the cutscenes start earlier.

In summary, Wolfenstein II The Switch version of will not be as superficial as elsewhere. Panic Button has made a lot of compromises, and you'll notice them. Nevertheless, it is a testament to the Switch's relative power that Panic Button did not have to resort to more drastic measures, like cutting the levels into smaller pieces or substantially simplifying the geometry. You can play the game largely like Bethesda, MachineGames and originally planned id – something unthinkable on a portable system a few years ago.

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