Here's how Apple could have an edge-to-edge LCD in the iPhone


The reported addition of the Japan-based Nichia as an exclusive supplier to the company. Apple Apparently revealed how the LCD model in the iPhone refresh this fall will have an edge-to-edge display similar to that of the two OLED models, is also expected to launch this year.

  A mockup of what could look like the iPhone 2018 alignment

A mockup of what could look like the iPhone 2018

Nichia's alignment is a manufacturer of LED chips used for backlighting in LCD displays, and will provide the component to Apple for the 2018 iPhone, industry sources advised at DigiTimes . The specific component ordered by Apple is a 0.3T LED chip that can solve the production problem of creating an LCD-based edge-to-edge display.

LCD smartphones typically use 0.4-meter LED chips for backlighting, which translates to a lower bezel measuring between 4 and 4.5 millimeters. Using 0.3T LED chips, this space can be reduced between 2 and 2.5 millimeters, a much more acceptable size for the intended application in upcoming iPhones.

OLED, like the version used in the iPhone X, does not require backlighting because individual pixels can produce their own light. It also makes it possible to produce OLEDs for flexible or collapsible displays, which makes it extremely useful for producing edge-to-edge displays.

The sources said that because of the increased difficulty in packing smaller chips, Nichia began trial production in the first half of 2018, providing the component to Chinese and Japanese manufacturers of smartphones for the upper devices.

Test production for the new wave of Apple iPhones is expected to begin this month, with a small production in August and then a manufacturing volume in September. Taking into account the timing, the report's sources warned that Nichia's production capacity for chips will be almost saturated for the second half of 2018, manufacturing solely for the iPhone.

It is currently expected that Apple will have three iPhones for launch this fall, with the 6.1-inch LCD model supposed to be the lower cost version with a refreshed and higher specification iPhone X and an OLED 6.5-inch "iPhone X Plus" A recent set of benchmarks suggests that the A12 processor that will be introduced in the new models will have six cores and a base clock frequency of 2.49 GHz, and can be accompanied from up to 4 gigabytes of RAM.

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