Here's how the installation size of Red Dead Redemption 2 is comparable to these 10 massive games


Red Dead Redemption 2 promises to offer an open gaming experience that propels the genre significantly – or at least it's hope. For too long we have been overwhelmed by the same approach to designing quests and NPC interactions within modern sandboxes. That is to say, the open world games these days are almost always stunning, but are as deep as a puddle.

There are exceptions, of course – The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt and The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, but we are still waiting for a developer to truly present a new generation open world experience. From what we've seen in the gameplay snippets and in various preview reports, it seems like Rockstar Games is the team to deliver to us. The latest news about the colossal installation size of Red Dead Redemption 2 certainly seems to indicate that the game contains some serious details.

The number of 105 GB is so huge that we have trouble thinking about a game that has already been bigger, but we thought we would try anyway. Here are the 10 biggest installation size games we could think of in the upcoming Rockstar Games sequel.

  • Red Dead Redemption 2: 105 GB
  • Diablo III Reaper of Souls: 58.4 GB
  • Grand Theft Auto V (basic game PS4): 50 GB
  • Destiny 2: 52.8 GB
  • Wolfenstein: The New Order: 48 GB
  • Assassin's Creed Odyssey: 46 GB
  • Spider-Man of Marvel: 46.27 GB
  • Just Cause 3: 42.49 GB
  • Dragon Age Inquisition: 41.4 GB

As you can see, Red Dead Redemption 2 comfortably has the largest installation size of any game we could think of. More than double the previous game of Rockstar Games, the very popular Grand Theft Auto V.

We do not know exactly what the installation size of 105 GB actually means for the game. It seems unlikely, as impressive as Red Dead Redemption 2, that the game is twice as detailed as Grand Theft Auto V, even though Rockstar Games says it's the biggest open world ever created. Maybe high-quality images for improved versions of PS4 Pro and Xbox One X partly explain its size?

Whatever the reason, it is both exciting and slightly disturbing to think that Red Dead Online is probably the kind of game you will want to keep on your hard drive for a while … and it represents 1/5 of the total capacity of the memory of a vanilla PS4.

To summarize, make sure you have enough hard disk space and pray that your Internet connection will have a good day when Red Dead Redemption 2 is released on October 27th.

You can check out some of the other Red Dead Redemption 2 content we've written, like 10 crazy things you can probably do in the game, and what we think is particularly special about his open world.

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