Here's what happens when the battle for Azeroth World of Warcraft is launched


It's almost time, World of Warcraft Fans! Battle for Azeroth is almost there, which means it's time for the players to get ready for a whole new adventure. Whether you are for the Horde, or you consider yourself an Alliance, all players know that new extensions mean going out with the old and with a new one. Fortunately, Blizzard knows it might be a little confusing for some, so they pointed out what is coming out of the popular MMORPG.

There are some activities from the previous Legion DLC that are about to expire, here's what you need to know according to Blizzard:

"Silithus became a hive of activity following the injury of Azeroth by Sargeras' sword. The Azeris rising to the surface have attracted the attention of the Horde and the Horde. Alliance, and a deadly race began to collect much of this news While these two factions are focusing on the future of the war, Magni Bronzebeard has focused his attention on finding a solution to the fate of # 39; Azeroth.

Magni calls on heroes from all over the world to meet at Silithus. There, you will have to use the power of your Artifact to draw the darkness of Sargeras' sword and help stabilize Azeroth's severe injuries. There is however a price to pay, and you will find that once you have lent your help, your Artefact will become a bit unstable. But with this instability comes a temporary boost in power … which, perhaps a little worrying, will continue to accelerate over time. "

When Battle for Azeroth goes live, the artifact traits become inactive. But, before panicking, there will be something to replace when the new extension will be online. Regarding artifact challenge appearances, there is still time to win one before the pre-patch is put online. Players will be cared for at the Mage Tower Plus at Broken Shore which will have the active quest continually until the day of decline.

According to Blizzard, "To begin the appearance quest of the Artifact Challenge of your classes, you must visit the Victoria War Counselor at the Rescue Point on the Broken Shore. The first time you cast the challenge, it is the first time you start the challenge. is still free, but it will cost you Nethershards for each subsequent attempt.

Once the Artifact Challenge quest is no longer available, if you have gained the basic challenge look for your class specialization, you will continue to gain the three alternate shades for the artifact of this specialization at any time thereafter.

To access the Artifact Challenge quest, you must be at level 110, have gained 35 levels of artifact for your weapon, and have completed the quest line to unlock access to the four new traits that have become available with patch 7.2. "

The two Furies of Strength also disappear, which Blizzard explains as being "At the tip of the curve: Argus the Unmaker and Sharp: Argus the Unmaker, which charges the heroes to defeat the final boss of Antorus, the throne in fire in Heroic or Mythic respectively. "

They continued, "Once the Battle for Azeroth is launched on August 14, Mount Violet Spellwing to complete the quest Blood of Titan (defeating Argus the Demon Hunter on Heroic difficulty or more) will no longer be available, but if you are interested By winning before that, you can get some help from your friends in the community. Pay attention to the Group Finder (I) in the game or look for community groups like Friendship Birb or Perky Pugs.

Occupations are also undergoing some changes, with the elimination of first aid being secondary and adjustments to clothing. To learn more, or to interact with the comments, you can view the full article here.

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