Here's where he could go and what he could do

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FortniteCredit: Epic Games

First, Loot Lake Island freed itself from its land ties and rose above the map. This was in itself impressive: Fortnite is not unrelated to the wacky map changes, but the purple vortex of another world combined with the site of an island hovering over the battlefield was probably the most impressive to date. Given that, however, the next stage of development seemed almost inevitable: the island began to move.

It is clear, for the moment, that the island will slowly move on the map, mimicking the long path of the purple cube from where it came – and which remains glued to its underside. And we may already have an idea of ​​its orientation: a replay exploit that has been highlighted shows the island above the various "corrupt zones" that appeared on the map, creating volcanic holes. This would coincide with previous volcanic sound effects found in the game last season, although at the time, we were going to see a single giant volcano in Loot Lake. You can watch the exploit below:

All leaks and exploits must be taken with a grain of salt, and plans can always change. But there is a thematic consistency here: the corrupted areas were created by the cube to begin with, and the cube seems to be somehow related to the Eldritch powers governing the island. This would mean that he is now revisiting his lairs to spread more damage.

Its ultimate destination remains a mystery, but I think a map problem from a few days ago could point us to that. Shortly after the launch of Season 6, the island was seen hovering over Salty Springs on the map of the game, even though the "real" island was still above Lake Loot. This is one million kilometers from the confirmation, but this could well be a quick deployment of the final destination of the island, as well as a logical deployment. Salty Springs remains one of the most boring areas of the game, and we are quickly running out of areas to destroy like this one. I certainly would not want to shed a tear to see him go.

It's fun to watch, but there is an essential difference between the cube, the rocket and the other map events of Fortnite: Battle Royale. All of this happens at the beginning of the season instead of at the end, easing some of the disappointment we experienced after launching the big season in the past. This is good news for the match, as the last two seasons have deteriorated a bit in the first five weeks, with no major narrative development before the end of the action. I hope this indicates continuous chart changes that will keep things exciting from start to finish, without any of these clumsy lulls.


FortniteCredit: Epic Games

First, Loot Lake Island freed itself from its land ties and rose above the map. This was in itself impressive: Fortnite is not unrelated to the wacky map changes, but the purple vortex of another world combined with the site of an island hovering over the battlefield was probably the most impressive to date. Given that, however, the next stage of development seemed almost inevitable: the island began to move.

It is clear, for the moment, that the island will slowly move on the map, mimicking the long path of the purple cube from where it came – and which remains glued to its underside. And we may already have an idea of ​​its orientation: a replay exploit that has been highlighted shows the island above the various "corrupt zones" that appeared on the map, creating volcanic holes. This would coincide with previous volcanic sound effects found in the game last season, although at the time, we were going to see a single giant volcano in Loot Lake. You can watch the exploit below:

All leaks and exploits must be taken with a grain of salt, and plans can always change. But there is a thematic consistency here: the corrupted areas were created by the cube to begin with, and the cube seems to somehow be related to the Eldritch powers that govern the island. This would mean that he is now revisiting his lairs to spread more damage.

Its final destination is still a mystery, but I think a map problem from a few days ago could point us in that direction. Shortly after the launch of Season 6, the island was seen hovering over Salty Springs on the map of the game, even though the "real" island was still above Lake Loot. We are one million kilometers from a confirmation, but it could be a rapid deployment of the ultimate destination of the island, as well as a logical deployment. Salty Springs remains one of the most boring areas of the game, and we are quickly running out of areas to destroy like this one. I certainly would not want to shed a tear to see him go.

It's fun to watch, but there is an essential difference between this, the cube, the rocket and other map events. Fortnite: Battle Royale. All this happens at the beginning of the season rather than at the end, which mitigates some of the disappointment we experienced after the launch of the big season. This is good news for the game, as the last two seasons have had some difficulties in the first five weeks or so, with no major narrative development before the final big action. I hope this indicates continuous chart changes that will keep things exciting from start to finish, without any of these clumsy lulls.

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