Here's why Incineroar was chosen as a new fighter


(Photo: Nintendo)

Speak to Famitsu, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Director Masahiro Sakurai revealed why he and his team finally chose to fill one of the slots on the list for a new character with Pokémon Incineroar.

In addition to providing information on Incinerooar's decision, Sakurai also provided information on other decisions made during development, such as the trophies of destruction.

"When planning began in December 2015, I had resolved to appeal to all kinds of fighters in the game," said Sakurai. "In general, though, I can not really add a character from a game that's not out of the list yet … So I left an open character frame for Pokémon, and after Pokemon: Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon went out I cast another look at him. This resulted in Incineroar being chosen. I wanted to try to make a fighter type character at least once! Incineroar is expressed by the late Mr. Unshō Ishizuka – Professor. Oak Fame – who died in August; he had recorded new lines just for this match. That he rests in peace. "

Incineroar is definitely a choice that seemed to take the Super Smash Bros. community by surprise, but this seems to be a surprise that has pleased the most. And in hindsight, it makes sense that if Nintendo wanted to add a Pokémon fighter, it would be Incineroar. Adding an old Pokémon was probably never on the table, and if you want to promote the new generation of Pokémon, Incineroar is an excellent candidate, especially when you know how it fits naturally in the game.

As for the reasons why the trophies were removed from the game, Sakurai reveals that the decision was made soon enough. In addition, their addition to the game takes more time and effort than some people think, and the director finally wanted to give his energy elsewhere.

"During the planning phase, I had decided to get rid of the trophy collection element of the game early enough. It seemed a bit rash to continue doing so, at the same time. Originally, given all the fighters included so far … I thought that the best would be to divide my forces between other aspects of the game, creating the trophies required much more effort than one might think. "

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is about to come out next month on December 7th via the Nintendo switch. For more information and coverage of the platform hunter, click here. And of course, do not hesitate to leave a comment and tell us what you think. How do you feel to add Incineroar to the game? What about trophies removed?

Thank you, Nintendo All.

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