"Hero of the Storm" New Hero Mal'Ganis: bow to the lord of terror


The next monster coming to The Heroes of the Storm is Mal'Ganis the Dreadlord. Lord Nathrezim who has corrupted Arthas in the Lich King is a powerful melee killer who has a strong hold in battle. He can heal himself when he deals damage with his liabilities, which means that he is all the more lethal that he fights longer. If you are looking for a hero who is not afraid to throw himself and inflict all the damage, this guy is for you. Mal'Ganis is currently on the PTR and will be on live servers in a few weeks.

Here are all his abilities directly on the Blizzard website:

Vampiric Touch (Passive) – Mal'Ganis heals 45% of damage dealt to enemy heroes and 15% of damage to minions.

Fel Claws (Q) – Cut violently in the chosen direction and inflict 72 damage to enemies. Reactivate to reduce up to twice. The third bar stuns enemies for 0.75 seconds.

Necrotic Embrace (W) – Desacralize the tunes, deal 110 damage to nearby enemies and gain 25 armor for 3 seconds.

Night Race (E) – After 0.75 seconds, gain 50% of your movement speed for two seconds. As long as they are active, Evil Ganis can cross enemy heroes and put them to sleep for 2.5 seconds.

Heroic abilities

Carrion swarm After one second, disperse into an invulnerable swarm of bats for 3 seconds, dealing 132 damage per second to enemies. Vampiric Touch heals 100% of Carrion Swarm Hero's damage.

Dark conversion Channel an enemy hero for 0.75 seconds, then swap health percentages with the target for three seconds.

How do you like Mal'Ganis? Tell us in the comments.

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