Heroes Of The Storm Gets It's First Original Character, Orphea


Heroes of the Storm, while functioning as an independent game, has also served as a mash-up of all things Blizzard. Blizzard's franchises, if those be its most well-known ones – Diablo, Warcraft, Starcraft – or older classics like The Lost Vikings. Now, for the first time, it's set to present an entirely original character.

The first big announcement during BlizzCon 2018's opening ceremony was the highlight of the newest addition to the HotS roster, Orphea. She's a white-haired character who is the daughter of the Raven Lord. She carries a large shield on her back that is adorned with a skull and is introduced with a cinematic trailer establishing her back story. That was followed by a gameplay editing showing off her abilities, which seemed to be more complex.

Orphea will be free for everyone attending BlizzCon, who bought this year's Virtual Ticket.

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Blizzard also teased some of the new content to come to the game in 2019. This includes a catapult update along with new quests, brawls, and skins. One new look that was showcased prominently was a janitor's outfit for the Skeleton King, a floating soap bar mount. You can see these in the video below.

BlizzCon offers more details on what it's all about.

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