Hidetaka Miyazaki, creator of Dark Souls, wins the prize for all achievements


Hidetaka Miyazaki yesterday received the Lifetime Achievement Award at the 2018 Golden Joystick Awards held in London.

Known for his work on titles From Software as the Dark souls series and Transmitted by blood, Miyazaki received the award from the game's luminaries, Steve Jackson and Ian Livingstone. Miyazaki often attributes both Fight fantasy game books like Witchcraft! with fueling his interest in game design.

Although his speech was not extremely emotional, Miyazaki was grateful and quite willing to share this honor with his colleagues, collaborators and fans.

I transcribed the speech below, but know that Miyazaki delivered his speech in Japanese. So it's a transcription of what his translator said. If you want to watch the acceptance speech, it starts at 54:00 in this video of the event. Miyakaki said:

It's such a surprise and an honor to receive this prestigious Golden Joystick Award. I am very humble. This price is not just my price. It's about everyone who has worked with me over the years creating games, everyone who shared that passion with me, so I'd like to thank all the people who have collaborated with From Software and everyone from From Software, our publishers, thank you again for everything. Thank you to my family for all their support and, most of all, thank you to the players, to everyone who played, enjoyed and enjoyed my games.

Thanks to you, to all the players, I was able to continue to make games with the sole objective of making interesting games. And I am so happy to have been able to create games in these exciting times with you all.

I plan to keep playing games as long as I can, and I will do my best to make the games fun for you, so thank you for your continued support.

And, very soon, we have Sekiro: the shadows are dying twice, which should be launched in March, so you can expect that.

What I really appreciate about this speech is how much it relies on cooperation and collegiality. The pseudo-cooperation of his games, and the root of these systems on a snowy hill, just seem to be part of Miyazaki's personality, which is refreshing to watch.

By winning the Golden Joystick Award for all of her achievements, Hidetaka Miyazaki joins previous winners Sid Meier, Eiji Aonuma, Hideo Kojima, Satoru Iwata and Ken Levine.

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