Hollow knight sold on a quarter of a million copies on the switch in two weeks


It was only last week that Team Cherry – the Australian developer behind the recent hit of the eShop, Hollow Knight – explained how he "worked" to make a physical release happen. In the same AMA Reddit, the studio admitted that it was somewhat surprised at how the title had been received and said it was more than pleased with current sales on the latest Nintendo device.

Now, exactly one week ago, the developer has provided a rough figure to support this claim, revealing to IGN the Switch iteration sold to more than 250,000 copies in the first two weeks of its release. In a recent interview with Waypoint, Nintendo's Reggie Fils-Aime even mentioned that the game was "exceptionally good" from a sales point of view.

According to this information, Hollow Knight was welcomed with open arms by the owners of Nintendo Switch. Tell us in the comments if you were one of the many people to buy this title when it was released on the eShop earlier this month.

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