This is Never the Final Fantasy

GameCentral Players Name Games that they have never played but that they've always wanted Total War to Pokémon

The topic of this week's hot topic was suggested by the Rich reader, who asked for his comments. he did not have the right equipment that prevented you from playing a game or for some other reason – not enough time or worry

Time was an important factor for many of the answers, as well as that the money and the burden of owning too many consoles at the same time – especially considering what it would do for your backlog. [19659007]

Hype bubble

Believe it or not, but I've never played a Final Fantasy game. The thing is, I'm not sure it's unusual because I do not know anyone who has ever played a Final Fantasy game, not in real life anyway. I know the show is well known but it always seemed oddly distant and elitist, as if I needed to know (but about what I'm never sure) to play it.

I'd like to try them out, the graphics are great and I've already played role playing games – even though I do not think they're Japanese. I'm not really sure why I never did it. I think that some of them are the opposite pressure of the peers. Because none of my friends ever talk about it, the games never seem to get in my bubble and I do not stop to forget it.

The time it takes to play these games, that I hear can be very long and it seems daunting. Especially if I'm supposed to remember a story through all that too. And then finally I guess I'm just worried about wasting money for something I would not like. I realize it's a little loose but that's it. When the next comes out, I may try to do something about it

Advanced Knowledge

I'm curious to see what everyone says for that, because I'm Sure we all have some games that we consider must-sees that you can not imagine whoever has not played, but mine is Street Fighter. I have already played it, like once or twice with a friend, but I have never owned it or I sat down to learn the commands or anything.

I keep the sense of having one but I'm not big in competitive games in the best of times and the fighters seem so restrictive and complicated that it's very intimidating for a player to first time.

I think I was also a little too young for the first wave, so by the When Street Fighter IV arrived, I did not feel any homesickness for the original and I 'd like it. was discouraged by the fact that everyone seemed to know the basics before starting. I have never been here and now I have an Xbox One, I guess I will not be with the suite either. I'd like to think that I would do a try if I could.

Children's game

I have never played Minecraft. I think I think it 's really for kids but I have the impression that I would still enjoy it and I bet I would have liked it when I was youngest too. But it's a bit odd now, where not only is it promoted as a kid's game, but it's hard to get in without help.

Or maybe I'm not brave enough, but I played other survival games and just got a little paralyzed with hesitation at first, then sort of lost interest . I think it would be the same for Minecraft if I made its story mode and yet starting in sandbox mode seems too discouraging.

I do not know, maybe I'm just a wuss and I should dive, but there always seems to be something else easier to play that just comes to the right / wrong time.

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[19659008] Exclusive Strategy

I've never played a strategy game in time real, although I would really like to do it. My reasons are pretty simple: I do not have a gaming PC. I have a PlayStation 4, but that does not help me when it comes to Halo Wars. Or with backward compatibility really, so I can not play those games of Lord Of The Rings and Command & Conquer that were on PlayStation 3, though they've never been as good as most other of these types of games.

I am particularly interested in the Warhammer 40,000 and Starcraft stuff but obviously they will never be on consoles. I know people will say that PCs are not that expensive or complicated, but they are, if you do not really want them for other reasons than these.

I'd have a console just for that, but the only other thing on a PC seems to be independent games, and they almost always end up on consoles anyway.