How can your phone spy on you


Some popular apps on your Android phone can actively listen to you, monitor your habits and even secretly take screenshots of your activity and send them to third parties, according to a new study.

These screen captures and on-screen activity videos could include user names, passwords, credit card numbers, and others. important personal information, the researchers said.

"We found that each application has the ability to record your screen and anything you type," said David Choffnes, a professor at Northeastern University in Boston.

The results will be presented at the conference on the "Privacy Enhancing Technology Symposium" in Barcelona.

For the study, the team analyzed more than 17,000 of the most popular applications on the Android operating system. students.

In all, 9,000 of the 17,000 applications showed the potential to take screenshots.

"There was no audio leak, not a single application turned on the microphone," said Christo Wilson,

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