How do the microtransactions and the Fallout atoms work?


We've known for a long time that Bethesda's Fallout 76, like many games today, will feature a microtransaction system. Bethesda has not been long in specifying that you will not be able to spend real money on Perk cards to unlock more skills, as the microtransaction system is rather limited to cosmetics. Bethesda has now shared more details about how microtransactions work in Fallout 76.

The microtransaction currency in Fallout 76 is called Atoms, said Bethesda's boss, Pete Hines, to Larry "Major Nelson" Hryb of Microsoft. These atoms can be spent on such things as new outfits and skins. You can gain these atoms in the game by performing tasks or you can buy them directly with real money. Bethesda has not yet provided details on Atom pricing.

Whatever the case may be, Hines has suggested to Bethesda to be generous with Atoms, informing Major Nelson that Fallout 76 "will throw them away all the time".

"Atoms are something we use and distribute when you play the game. Frankly, we throw them at you all the time," he said. "You receive them as little rewards when you leave the safe, the first time you kill a creature or the first time you pick some fruit or vegetables somewhere.This is a small reward. in our shop to buy cosmetics, new outfits or skins or things like that. [Things to customise] your character looks unique to everyone ".

Anyone who pre-orders Fallout 76 on Xbox One will immediately receive 500 atoms, but the true value of this offer will not be clear until Bethesda reveals the cost of the items at stake. Microsoft's partnership with Bethesda goes even further. company also publishes a 1TB bundle for Xbox One X, bundled with a copy of Fallout 76.

It seems that Bethesda follows the model of games like Overwatch and Fortnite in that it will only allow players to spend real money on cosmetics, not on objects or abilities that actually affect the game.

After Bethesda announced that the benefits of Fallout 76 were acquired and represented by bonus cards, many wondered if players would be able to buy them with real money. Fortunately, as mentioned above, Bethesda will not allow players to spend real money to gain new benefits.

To learn more about Fallout 76, you can watch the video embedded above and the recent GameSpot coverage in the related stories below. The game will be launched on November 14 on PS4, Xbox One and PC, with a beta version scheduled for the first time on Xbox One on October 23.

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