How Fallout 76 evolves according to the beta version


Fallout 76 has more than a beta test and Bethesda has issued a statement regarding some of the corrections it already provides, based on comments received. Some of the changes are more technical in nature, while others deal with unintended bugs that could seriously harm the gaming experience. Bethesda explains for other reasons why he did not not intend to implement some requests, at least not right away.

On a technical level, the company plans to support ultra-wide 21: 9 screens sometimes after launch. However, it will not set up a field of view slider, fearing that it will break animations and cause cuts. PC players reportedly asked for a voice chat option, and the studio announced that it was considering adding this feature. He also said that some common social menus and features of friends have already been addressed, and he promised to fix various exploits with a future update.

Bethesda has announced plans to increase the size of the reserve. "Although the size of the 400-weight maximum can be easier to manage over time, we plan to increase it in the future," he said. Some beta players have said that the bar of hunger will never be rebuilt, and Bethesda said it had been fixed. Finally, the presence of random gunshots or other loud noises near the Appalachians will be dealt with shortly after launch.

These are the most important questions that Bethesda has chosen to focus on, but the company has made it clear that it views Fallout 76 as an ongoing project. In one open letter to fans just before the launch of the beta, it was suggested that this was just the beginning and that everyone would need help finding the bugs and helping them build the game.

Fallout 76 is certainly ambitious as the first ever connected world of the franchise, but we are concerned about the feeling of emptiness it creates. Once the full game is launched, we may see a different image. One factor that has already changed over the beta is the addition of in-game store, which has a complete inventory but still does not allow to buy.

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