How long will Fallout 76 servers be online? "Forever," says Bethesda Boss


Unlike previous Fallout games, Fallout 76 is an online multiplayer game that requires an internet connection. So what if Bethesda has to stop the servers at some point? Bethesda does not think about this, especially not in his conversations with the public, because the company thinks that Fallout 76 can last until the sun goes out.

"What is the duration [Fallout 76] will be lifted? Forever, "Hines told GameSpot, doubling over what he's already said." I do not know how to give an answer other than that. It's not like everyone is playing a game and saying, "Well, it's going to last 10 years if we're lucky. Nobody thinks like that. How long has WoW been in now? Does this game plan to end in a year? I seriously doubt it. "

Fallout 76 requires an Internet connection, which requires Bethesda to pay for the servers. As we have seen in other franchises with online support, there may come a time when developers naturally choose to focus on new titles with a more active player population. Hines suggested that Bethesda could stop using Fallout 76 if people stop playing, but he again pointed out that Bethesda's support for Fallout 76 aims to be "endless."

"We will continue as long as people continue to play and this will not show any signs of slowing down," he said. "Once we have access to private servers or everything that will happen in the following years, I do not know, maybe there is a point where it does not matter, but … c "It's a gigantic franchise and a huge undertaking, and our commitment to it is that it's endless, and that it continues on a continuing basis."

Since Fallout 76 is an online-only game, should Bethesda ever decide to unplug the servers, how does this affect the idea of ​​ownership of the game? Hines said that the ownership of the game "is not particularly relevant" at this point because "I see a plan for this game for years and years and years." So, talk about when this does not happen. is not finished is somehow irrelevant.I have nothing to watch said it's not going to be forever. "

In the past, when games had little or no online functionality, they theoretically continued to run until the end of time. But in this new era of connected experiences, this has changed and it will be interesting to see how this affects the idea of ​​what it means to own a game. The subject of preserving the game for historical purposes and educational is also at stake here. If, for example, a museum wishes to preserve Fallout 76 and allow participants to play it in 50 or 100 years, it is not certain that this is possible.

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Fallout 76 being an online game only, this does not mean that Bethesda has finished creating games for one player. Rage 2, launched in 2019, is a single-player game, while Doom Eternal also offers a single-player game. In addition, the upcoming Bethesda Game Studios game, the sci-fi title Starfield, is "entirely solo," said Hines.

"Our statement did not say that we would ever play only one player, it will continue to be an important part of what we do, but part of it, we are also the ones doing The Elder Scrolls. Online, we are also the guys who make The Elder Scrolls Legends, "said Hines.

In December 2017, Bethesda released an ironic video starring actress Lynda Carter, a Wonder Woman actress, calling on players to "save" the solo player. Most of Bethesda's most important games focused more on solo play. That's why, Bethesda was surprised by the announcement of the still-on-line launch of Fallout 76. As Hines explains, Bethesda still believes in gambling to a player, but also wants to try new things. on the multiplayer side too.

In our interview, Hines also pointed out that Bethesda did not give its development studios the mandate to define what they should do next. Some thought that the new Fallout 76 online direction was the result of management's pursuit of funds, but Hines says it's not true. From the beginning, the developer has completely decided to make Fallout 76 an online game. And more broadly, Hines explained how Bethesda gives his teams the freedom to create what they want.

"These are our developers and the kind of experiences they want to create that will really make us do what we do." X% of our games must have a strong focus on the game to one player or player at a time. "It's ridiculous and arbitrary." What does Arkane want to do next? What does BGS want to do next? Let's focus on these things and with what enthusiasm we get from them. we are feeling that everyone will do it. "

Fallout 76 will be released November 14 on PS4, Xbox One and PC. A version of the game for Nintendo Switch "was not feasible," according to Hines.

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