How Microsoft's Surface Andromeda Pocket PC Could Disturb the Market


Image credit: David Breyer

New product categories must answer, "what", "why", "how" and "when? In January 2015, I started to describe an inked, post-phone pocket PC with telephony as the "what" of Microsoft's mobile strategy. The "why" was to integrate highly mobile PCs into the cellular roadmap to meet the growing demand for mobile computing. The "how" was based on Windows 10 as a universal operating system for all device types and context-compliant hardware states, while Windows Ink supported a digital log focus. 2018 was the "when".

Between 2015 and now, patents and leaks like the role of Windows Core OS and Project Andromeda's name began to fill in details that I've worked on in an ongoing narrative. and mobile spaces was paramount because many observers mistakenly mistaken the disappearance of Windows-on-phone with the disappearance of Windows-on-mobile.

A recently disclosed Microsoft email has confirmed my analysis that Microsoft has actually been working on a category of handheld-compatible and telephony-centric handhelds for the mobile space, and not for the smartphone, Microsoft boasted even of being disruptive, although Andromeda could be canceled, as Microsoft can expect its new PC category, with OEM support and iteration in time, to disrupt the market.

Andromeda and smartphones

Image credit: David Breyer

Like "PC-like" smartphones were not aimed, but encroach On the market of personal computers, handhelds compatible with telephony will not target but could encroach on smartphones. We expect that they are portable, always connected Windows 10 PC with features such as Windows Ink, iOS and Android integration and even more capable of making calls.

With TimeLine, your phone and other Windows iOS and Android integration features, users may be able to send phone notifications from these computers without using their smart phone .

In addition, smartphones are moving toward larger (or even collapsible) tablet sizes to accommodate non-phone uses such as surfing the Internet. use. Handhelds of the size of a phablette that unfold to the dimensions of the mini-tablet would suit this paradigm of use. Especially since the mobile web, as well as the applications, are heavily involved in smartphones.

How Microsoft and Qualcomm make post-smartphone PCs

PWAs app gap and Pocket PC

Microsoft Progressive Web App (PWA) investments, combining the best of the web and applications, is supposed to bring "apps" like the new Uber PWA, to Windows and Pocket PC.

Since Windows 10 treats PWAs as native universal Windows applications (UWA), Microsoft probably hopes that PWAs, legacy applications (via emulation), and UWA will be able to make handhelds capable of doing the same thing. most smartphones with rich application ecosystems and Windows PCs separately

The iOS and Android integration could usurp the engagement of smartphones. ] If users find value in phablet-sized PCs that grow into mini-tablets when they're mobile, they may find them more convenient for web browsing, media consumption. and social media an activity that now dominates the use of smartphones. They can then see the Microsoft iOS, and the integration of Android strategically reduces the reasons for which they use their smartphones directly. This could be a disruptive strategy for Microsoft.

Progressive Web Apps Can Be the Great Equalizer

Carriers Defeated

ACPCs equipped with eSIM combined with Microsoft's sales data via Microsoft Store give consumers the power to choose carriers and buy data "on the fly" from Windows. This new carrier-Microsoft Dynamics favors Microsoft.

In January, I wrote this creates a competitive environment where carriers would compete to attract the attention of users by offering attractive data packets with their ACPCs. The recent free Sprint data promotion for ACPC clients confirms this.

Pocket PCs, as the evolution of telephony to ACPCs, would likely follow this new pattern. A category of mobile devices that diverts the power of the current smartphone-operator paradigm towards consumers and Microsoft would be disruptive.

How ACPCs Can Get the Best of Microsoft with Transporters

Partnerships for One Future Device

As PCs Move to Cellular Roadmap, Chip Manufacturers and Builders Cellular infrastructure like Intel and Qualcomm, as well as PC and phone manufacturers, are exploring and developing new form factors and use cases. Microsoft's impact on the industry by making Windows 10 context-aware and mobile-friendly already has an impact on the evolution of PCs and on the way companies like Qualcomm build platforms. mobile forms for future connected PCs

Microsoft's potential prospects for the Andromeda PC category probably extend over years combining the contributions of advanced processors, 5G deployment and iterative iteration. OEM partner devices over time. In addition, through the collaboration of the family of Surface devices and writing, Microsoft creates a use case for the category. Although ambitious, risky and potentially delayed or canceled, Andromeda could be the first bold and real step in a single category of device that could be a PC, a tablet and a phone.

While reminiscent of sci-fi gadgets (what innovation is not?) From the HBO series "Westworld", if Microsoft turns on Andromeda, and it announces a future device that, combined with a possible powershift initiated by the carriers to Microsoft, would trigger disturbances.

The first mobile phone was not very popular, but the category that it spawned disrupted several industries

Microsoft must take advantage of partnerships, the eSIM and the # 39, peripheral computing to position pocket PCs

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