How the forces of the order are trying to avoid deactivating the face identifiers


Earlier this month, the first known case of law enforcement asking a suspect to unlock his phone with the help of Face ID appeared. Now, Motherboard reports that police officers in the United States receive instructions to make sure that they do not look at themselves from the screen of an iPhone X or an iPhone XS because this could be considered as one of the "fake" tests and therefore disable face ID.

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The identity of the face on the iPhone X and the iPhone XS will attempt up to five times to recognize a face before it locks itself and requires a code. access to access it. The problem that law enforcement and investigators are trying to avoid is to look at the screen and accidentally waste one of those five attempts.

Motherboard explains that a presentation of the Elcomsoft Forensic Society, apparently shown to police and investigators, highlights this problem and warns police officers "do not look at the screen, otherwise the same thing will happen like before. [at] Apple event. "

This is of course a reference to the introductory event of the original iPhone X in 2017. To launch the demo of the device, Craig Federighi tried unsuccessfully to unlock an iPhone X using Face ID, but instead asked for a secret code. After the event, Apple explained that what had happened was that the demo of the iPhone X had been manipulated by several people behind the scenes. Face ID had tried to recognize each of these people but had failed because he was looking for Federighi's face. He ended up failing five times behind the scenes, which is why Federighi was asked to use the on-stage password interface.

Elcomsoft's CEO, Vladimi Katalov, explained to the motherboard that this was simple advice in theory:

"It's pretty simple. A secret code is required after five unsuccessful attempts to match a face, "said to Motherboard, in an online chat, Vladimir Katalov, CEO of Elcomsoft, pointing to Apple's own documentation. on Face ID. "So, looking in the suspect's phone, [the] the investigator immediately loses one of the [the] attempts. "

This is not the first time law enforcement is asked not to lock the biometric features of an iPhone. With Touch ID, for example, the forces of order were asked to always use the power button to turn on a device, not the Home button:

"With Touch ID, you have to press the button (or at least touch it); This is why we always recommend (during our trainings) to use the power button instead, for example to see if the phone is locked. But with Face ID, it's easier to use "accidentally" by simply looking at the phone, "Katalov added.

How to quickly disable Face ID on iPhone X and iPhone XS

With Apple, it is very easy to quickly disable Face ID on the iPhone X and iPhone XS in cases where a user would not want someone can hold his device face to face and unlock it.

To do this, simply hold down the side switch and any one or the other power button depressed for several seconds. You will then see a slider to turn off the device and SOS emergency. At this point, the facial identity is disabled and you must enter your code to reactivate it.

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