How to become good at Assassin's naval battles & # 39; s Creed Odyssey


It's hard to be a ship captain Assassin's Creed Odyssey. Naval combat is one of the trickiest aspects of the game. Although it's always difficult, these tips should help you overcome the blocks and pirates you encounter.

Improve your hull first

The aim of naval battles is to survive the enemy, so improve your hull as much as possible to survive longer and equip more lieutenants. From there, feel free to upgrade your main arsenal of arrows and javelins.

Get fire arrows as soon as possible

You do not have to pay for materials to improve your fire, but you should have one as soon as you get the option. Fire arrows will complete your main damage, adding damage to your attacks that over time will devour enemy ships before your next major attack.

Spears and arrows alternated

Your abilities are on a cooldown, which means you can not just spam the same attack again and again. Try to alternate your arrows and spears instead of sweeping them all too quickly. The damage suffered gains more from naval battles than large, bright flocks. Consider your recovery times and you will always cause damage.

Keep your distance

Unless you decide to hit the enemy, you can keep your distance. If you hold down the aiming button for arrows or the attack button for javelins, you can launch them a little further than if you simply press the button. The goal is to survive until you can embark, so keep a reasonable distance and use your enemy. The extra space will also facilitate the escape if things go wrong.

Prepare yourselves!

Just press a button to prepare and mitigate the damage caused by enemy attacks. So you can do it as well. You should only risk damage if you know you are about to kill an enemy. Otherwise, play the security. There is no reward of loot for death.

Target weak spots

If you see a glowing section on your enemy's ship, it's a weak point. Direct your best weapon here and you'll do extra damage. You can reveal these points faster by pushing opponents or using fire arrows.

Only recruit the best lieutenants

One thing most captains neglect is the frequency with which they should recruit new lieutenants for their ships. Any enemy you knock can be recruited. You can take any unfortunate soldier from a fort if you really want it, but you should really try to be more insightful. Summon Ikaros and let your reticle hover over harder enemies, such as polemarches and captains, to see their rarity. This makes it easy to find legendary (purple) or even epic (golden) NPCs. You can even recruit any of the wandering mercenaries in the world if you knock them out. Watch their levels and keep recruiting throughout the match. You will not regret it.

Use lieutenants who stimulate your best weapons

Once you have a large rookie team, it's time to be discerning. Examine their features closely to find bonuses that work well with loading your ship. Extra fire arrow damage may sound good, but it is useless if you only have the starting fire. But if you have a very good ram, taking a lieutenant who can improve your shelling statistics will help your game to grow stronger. As long as you have a solid shell for protection, lieutenants allow you to customize your playing style on the high seas. Having a great crew, that's fine, but specializing in his best tool, that's even better.

Go for the easy kill

Every time you board a ship and remove crew, you restore the health of your ship. Weaken the easiest enemies and resist their attacks, then eliminate them when they are vulnerable. If they hang around with other ships, try to keep them away so you can get them out one at a time. This will make it easier to fight the blockade and give you the health you need to tackle bigger ships.

Start the fight on your terms

You can see the enemies much sooner than they perceive you. Use this as a chance to open yourself with a force attack or a stolen volley to make big damage and start with a benefit.

Did you know that you can swim there?

If a difficult ship overwhelms you and you feel really confident in your melee combat skills, leave your ship before you are detected and swim to the enemy ship. Climb aboard and if you can handle the crew on its own, you can completely avoid the battles of difficult ships.

Dirty fight

It is not necessary to kill everyone to carry out a boarding action. All you have to do is empty the deck of the ship. So kiss your inner Gerard Butler and start hitting people from left to right, using your Kick Spartan and your other rollover abilities to send the most fearsome enemies to the ocean.

These tips should help you survive longer on the high seas. Take the time to lure ships easier, while actually strengthening our ship and crew. With a little practice, you will be more terrifying than Poseidon himself.

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