How to block the update Windows 10 October 2018, version 1809, of the installation


I consider it an article of faith that you do not want to immediately install the latest version of Windows 10. As we have seen many times, upgrading to a new version of Windows 10 as soon as it comes out of the device is a madness.

For almost all users, the new features of Windows 10, version 1809 and later, of the October 2018 update – new emoticons, improvements expected in the Clipboard, more practical updates – are not worth the trouble of installing and configuring an entirely new copy of Windows. (Unless you really want Candy Crush Soda Saga to be installed for the umpteenth time.)

If you are a fan of Edge or Cortana, your opinion can of course vary. And there are undeniable advantages under the covers. But for 90% of us, I guess, 1809 is not at the top of the list of priorities. It is certainly not worth it to interfere as soon as possible in the group of unpaid beta testers, waiting for Microsoft to solve its problems. Therefore, for most Windows 10 users, it makes sense to wait and update in 1809 when you are ready and ready to do it – not when Microsoft decides to do it. (Whatever you do, do not manually check for updates.)

Disabling the automatic update should only take a few clicks. After all, that's what we had with Windows 7 and 8.1. We went beyond that now. Windows 10 updates itself "as a service" – but your system does not have to be servile.

The classic approach (for Windows 10 Pro, Enterprise and Education)

For those who use Windows 10 Pro, Enterprise or Education, there is always the Microsoft Party Line. Here is the official way to disable the "feature updates" of Windows 10 (this is the official name of a version upgrade):

Step 1. Click Start> Settings> Update and Security. Click the link marked Advanced Options.

You see the Advanced Options pane. If you are running the Windows 10 April 2018, version 1803 update, what you see is shown on the screen capture.

win10 1803 advanced options Woody Leonhard / IDG

If you are using Windows 10 Pro, Enterprise or Education, you can postpone the installation of the current version of Windows 10. (Click on the image to enlarge.)

2nd step. Set the readiness of branches (under "Choose when updates are installed") on Semiannual Channel.

This setting should tell Microsoft to refrain from installing the next version of Windows (in this case, 1809) until the official announcement that the version is "ready for widespread deployment." "or" total availability ". next section, this is not what happened with the latest version of Windows 10. It is hoped that this will happen in the future.

In theory, new versions of Windows 10 will be considered "ready for widespread deployment" four months after the first release. In the case of 1809, it would be early April 2019. In practice, the milestone (formerly called "Current Branch for Business") took two to three months.

There is no warning about the transition to the semi-annual chain. Microsoft simply declares that a new version is ready for full availability, for reasons that are still unknown, and the same day, the new version begins to be deployed in the Semi-Annual Channel branch.

If you are using Windows 10 Creators Update, version 1703, the pane is slightly different. You want to choose Current Branch for Business.

Step 3 Set the feature update report to 365 days.

In theory, this setting tells Microsoft that you want to wait until the next version of Windows, version 1809 in this case, is declared "ready for widespread deployment" and then wait for 365 additional days.

The setting is the same for Windows 10 1803 and 1709.

While you are here, you must also tell Windows 10 to wait 30 days before installing cumulative updates ("Quality Updates").

You can "X" exit the pane. There is no Save button.

If you are using Windows 10 Home

For those who use Windows 10 Home, the situation is not so simple. Many people recommend disabling the Windows Update service, wuauserv, but I have never been a fan of this approach: too many possible problems and undocumented side effects. (If you feel so inclined, however, just google "disable wuauserv.")

My recommendation is to mark your Internet connection as "measured" – telling Microsoft that you pay for Internet per bit and that you do not want to overload your connection. There is no guarantee that this approach (will I dare to call it a "trick"?) Will still work, but unlike the official settings mentioned in the previous section, it does not seem that Microsoft has specifically ignored them to force upgrades on blocked machines.

Measured connections have strange side effects, with occasional selective downloading difficult to predict, but if you do not have Pro, Enterprise or Education, this is an easy way to avoid forced upgrading.

To set your Internet connection to measured, click Start> Settings> Network and Internet. If you have a wired connection (Ethernet), left-click Ethernet, and then click the network icon and drag "Set as measured connection" to On. If you connect to the Internet via Wi-Fi, the instructions are the same (see screenshot) except that, on the left, click Wi-Fi.

win10 1803 set measured connection Woody Leonhard / IDG

Setting your Internet connection as measured can stop Windows 10 updates. (Click on the image to enlarge.)

Windows 7 and 8.1

If you have not made the jump to Windows 10 yet, you will not have to worry. The days of advanced Win10 updates are behind us and it is unlikely they will come back. In theory, users of Win7 and 8.1 must pay for the Win10 update. I have not seen any indication that Microsoft will ever bring back the "Get Windows 10" debacle.

Propensity of Microsoft to forget its own parameters

Sure three separate occasions in the last year – in November 2017, January 2018, and March 2018 – Microsoft has forcibly upgraded Windows 10 Pro machines for which advanced options are set to postpone upgrades. Microsoft has indeed ignored its own settings. You can consider these incidents as accidents or the result of overworked or overzealous individuals. For my part, I am not so magnanimous.

These reports are not crazy, nor the complaints of users who forgot to activate or deactivate something. All three have been documented by Microsoft as Microsoft errors, in every corner of his various posts.

Strangely, it seems that the trick of the measured connection continues to work despite all these "errors". You may want to set your Internet connection to measured, even if you are using Windows 10 Pro, Enterprise, or Education. Belt and suspenders and all that.

Official back door of Microsoft: The last and most damaging of the three "oops" events involves a feature called Update Wizard and its runtime program, updateassistant.exe. The poorly documented update wizard has been around for a long time, but its intrusive nature was highlighted when it started (erroneously, according to Microsoft) to ignore the Windows Update settings supposedly blocking it. installation of the next version of Windows 10.

Update wizard has evolved. You may have seen KB 4023057, the "Update to Windows 10 versions 1507, 1511, 1607, 1703 and 1709 for the reliability of the update", which has been published and re-re-released more than once a dozen times. This patch "Shell sanitation" (formerly "WaaSMedic") is intended for (in the words of abbodi86):

Correct and reset the Windows Update-related components with their "Supported" configuration, that is, restore the registry settings, service status, scheduled tasks, free of charge. disk space and run UpdateAssistant.exe when it is installed. It was primarily intended to pave the way for receiving the latest updates, from quality updates or feature updates, to the latest version of Windows 10 … it went from repair from registry to task restore and management of the driver database, as well as compatibility for account control management. The main purpose or function has not changed: Allow Windows Update blocked or disabled again.

Microsoft urges so much to destroy your Windows Update blocks that it has put in place a scheme at the height of the best malware. The most glaring example is KB 4023814 which has a odd web page it says:

Some versions of Windows 10 display a notification to install the latest version.

If you are currently using Windows 10 version 1507, version 1511, version 1607, version 1703, or 1709, you can expect to receive a notification that your device needs the latest security updates installed, and then starts an attempt to upgrade. day. your device.

The KB article neglects somehow to mention what does KB 4023814 actually do. Like MrBrian Notes on AskWoodyWhen you run the hotfix, it installs (or updates) updateassistant.exe and Windows10Upgrade.exe, and then configures two scheduled tasks:

  • UpdateAssistant It runs every time you restart your computer or log on to Windows. The scheduled task searches whether updateassistant.exe or Windows10Upgrade.exe is available, and if not, rebuilds it from files located in C: Windows UpdateAssistant or UpdateAssistantV2. It then runs updateassistant.exe.
  • UpdateAssistantCalendarRun Run every three days, whether you restart or not. Like UpdateAssistant, it restores the updateassistant.exe or Windows10Upgrade.exe file, and then runs updateassistant.exe.

MrBrian also found references to yet another task named UpdateAssistantWakeupRun. Abbodi86 says the the latest versions of KB 4023814 are just wrappers for Windows10Update.exe.

To put the icing on the cake, you can not uninstall Knowledge Base 4023814. It does not appear in the list of installed updates. It is not listed in the Microsoft Update catalog either.

Microsoft really does not want you to do any damage with the Windows Update service. If you do, your efforts will probably be destroyed. Microsoft has used this vector to force users of Windows 10 1703 to 1709, whether they like it or not. It remains to be seen how many "oups" we will see in the movement from 1709 to 1803.

If you've ever wondered why 90% of Windows 10 users have switched to Windows 10 1803, you know it now.

Of course, from Microsoft's point of view, they simply fix any bugs introduced in the upgrade process. Overcoming those who actively block the upgrade is only incidental indirect damage.


When all else fails, or if you want to prevent the upgrade of Windows 10 to 1809 during the installation of other updates, the Microsoft wushowhide utility works perfectly. You want to hide the "Update Features to Windows 10, Version 1809." The trick is that you can not hide the update from "Updating Features to Windows 10, Version 1809" until you reach ######################################################################### That it actually appears on your computer. pushed to you for days, weeks, even months.

To avoid any unpleasant surprises, you must run wushowhide before disabling the 1809 blocking techniques mentioned in this feature, or before clicking "Check for Updates". If 1809 is offered on your computer, wushowhide allows you to "hide". "The hotfix while you are using Windows Update to update your other hotfixes.

Here's how to use wushowhide:

Step 1. Go to KB 3073930 and download the Microsoft Wushowhide tool. (Click the "Download the troubleshooting package" Show or hide updates "now.") Drag the downloaded file, Wushowhide.diagcab, to an appropriate location.

2nd step. Double-click Wushowhide.diagcab to run it.

Step 3 This part is important. Click on the link labeled Advanced. Clear the "Apply repairs automatically" checkbox. Click Next.

Step 4 Wushowhide will last a very long time. When it comes back on the air, click the Hide Updates link. If you see a "Update Features to Windows 10, Version 1809" check box, as in the screen capture, select the check box next to the item, and then click Next. (If you do not see "Update Features to Windows 10, Version 1809," the upgrade has not yet been sent to your box. "X" in wushowhide and check again tomorrow.

win10 1803 wushowhide Woody Leonhard / IDG

The wushowhide utility from Microsoft is very effective at hiding some Windows updates and preventing their installation.

Wushowhide is a strange bird. If the update / update / hotfix is ​​hidden, a "Troubleshooting is completed" dialog box with your hotfix 1803 marked as "Problems Detected". You did everything correctly.

Step 5 Click Close. You have finished.

If you do not trust the Microsoft wushowhide tool, you can check for yourself that it is caching the upgrade to version 1809. Go back into Windows Update (Start> Settings> Update and security, then look for updates). Your computer should display "Your device is up to date". Upgrade 1809 has not been installed.

When you are ready to install the 1809 version – you will probably do it, at some point – the reverse procedure is just as easy. Here's how to view the update:

Step 1. Double-click Wushowhide.diagcab to run it. This part is important. Click on the link labeled Advanced. Clear the "Apply repairs automatically" checkbox. Click Next.

2nd step. Wushowhide will last a long time. When it comes back, click the Show hidden updates link.

Step 3 Check the box next to "Update Features to Windows 10, Version 1809", click Next, and then click Next again.

Wushowhide will tell you that it's "Troubleshoot". This completes the "Troubleshooting is finished" dialog.

Step 4 Click Close.

The 1809 version will then be queued again and, when you next run Windows Update (you will be able to manually check for updates or let it run all night), your computer will restart. under Windows 10 Redstone 5, version 1809, version 17763..

Your options

Nobody knows what kind of schemes (correction techniques) Microsoft will use to push Windows 10 users to 1809 – that we have even more "oops" experiences. It is therefore impossible to say definitively how to block the upgrade to 1809, now and in the future.

At this point, if you really want to keep your current version of Windows 10, here's what I would recommend:

  • If you are using Windows 10 Pro, Enterprise or Education, follow the official instructions and set advanced Windows Update options on Semi-Annual Channel and postpone 365 days of "feature updates," as shown on the screenshot. ;screen.
  • Regardless of which edition of Windows 10 you use, set your Internet connection to "Measured".
  • If you feel particularly paranoid (and technically capable), delete the scheduled UpdateAssistant tasks and delete everything in c: Windows UpdateAssistant and UpdateAssistantV2. Carefully observe what is being applied to your machine to make sure that no other UpdateAssistant related patches have occurred, including KB 4023814 and KB 4023057.

Work is underway to determine the best way to maintain the updateassistant.exe and Windows10Upgrade.exe programs. We will follow closely on

Thanks to MrBrian, abbodi86 and the other intrepid interlocutors of AskWoody.

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