How to get paid apps from Play Store for free?


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We all came here. The frustration when we discover that the application we saw online is a paid one or when there are in-app purchases to get rid of those annoying ads.

Some find a way to download paid apps – which we do not really recommend! – and some are just living with these annoying ads, which we do not want for you either (see how to block ads on Android).

But here's a simple legal way to buy and download free paid apps, or buy in-app purchases basically for free, and all you have to do is answer a few questions once in a while.

Yes, there is an application that allows you to answer questions. And this money can be continued to download not only apps from the Play Store (APK), but also other interesting content from the Play Store.

Google Opinion Rewards?

What is Google Opinion Rewards?

In simple terms, Google Opinion Rewards is a polling app that asks you simple questions to which you bring answers for rewards.

For businesses and market researchers, online surveys are one of the easiest ways to reach and understand a broad demographic or target audience at minimal cost. There are tons of websites and apps on the market that allow you to poll, but most of them are unreliable.

In the midst of rotten online survey applications that ask you to try products, watch videos, shop online, a survey application developed by Google asks you simple questions. It's a win-win situation for you and Google.

You are paid for answering simple questions and Google is paid by providing your answers to companies or market specialists who asked for it in the first place.

Google pay me for these investigations?

Technically, Google pays you, but not with real money, but with Google Play credits. You can use these credits to purchase paid apps, games or books. movies that we can find on Play Store.

These credits expire, you can only redeem them within one year from the day they were credited and they can not be transferred from one person to another. Some surveys do not give you credit, but most do.

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What questions should I answer in an inquiry?

The questions are quite simple. Some of the questions that pop up from time to time are questions like what is the best logo among these, how long do you spend in a supermarket nearby, how do you rate some Google products and sometimes the application asks you even to rate the video you recently watched on YouTube.

You can always choose to skip a survey, it is not mandatory to answer all the surveys you receive. The frequency of the survey may also vary. On average, you receive an inquiry once a week.

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How to start?


Download the Google Opinion Rewards app

After downloading and installing the app from the Play Store link listed above, sync your Google Account and create your account by filling in the necessary information such as name, address, city, city, city and city. state and postal code.

There will be questions about your age, gender, languages ​​you understand, etc. Answer these questions and start. The surveys you will receive will be based on the answers you provide to these questions.

This is the configuration part. Now, thereYou will receive a notification each time a survey is available, but note that the inquiry offer expires in 24 hours. So, make sure to take the survey within 24 hours to earn game credits.

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To Use your game credits Press "spend game credits" on the application start page. It takes you to the Play Store where you can buy apps, games, movies and many others using your reading credits.

There is no official information about the highest amount you can earn by answering these surveys. The maximum I have earned is around Rs.16.

Privacy issues?


Do not panic if you receive a question about your recent visits or recent location. This is because you have enabled your location history. Of course, Google requires you to enable location history to improve your search results, optimize card usage, and more. But you can disable your location if you wish. Just go to the settings and turn off your location history.

But hey, Google even keeps track of you even if you turn off the location, so why even bother. In addition, if you no longer wish to participate in the survey by taking demographic data, you can always delete your account at any time but you will lose all the credits you have earned.

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Of Of course, it is not possible to earn a lot of money with this application. But something is better than nothing.

So what are you waiting for?

Download the app and get paid to answer simple questions. And never let money stop you from playing your favorite game, watching movies or reading good old books.

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