How to get paid with the new program 'Support-A-Creator & # 39; from Fortnite

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Fortnite would not be what he is today without his legions of creators who blow up the game on Twitch and YouTube, and Epic certainly seems to realize it. That's why they launched a new program that will run from next week to the end of the year. If you are a creator, you can get free money whenever your friends or fans spend V-Bucks in the game.

If you want to support a creator yourself, you will enter his Epic name in the game next week and every 14 days you can select it again or choose a new one. After that, your purchases with V-Buck, whether paid for or earned in game, will give the creator money in the form of a fee. But I think more people are curious to know if they can be paid for themselves, and this process will be a bit more complicated.

Here's how to apply / possibly qualify for your own part of the pie, ie $ 5 is paid for 10,000 V-dollars that your support spends.

1. To be a "creator", you must have regularly created and broadcast Fortnite content in the last thirty days. This includes obvious things like streaming Twitch and YouTube, but could also be a fan art, a modified video, music or, uh, maybe even an article, like me. It's happy, no?

2. You need to have 1,000 subscribers on a single social media platform, Twitch, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, etc.

3. You must complete the Epic Affiliate Agreement and abide by the Creator Code of Conduct. I can not find any information on the Affiliation Agreement, but I think it will be part of the process when you apply using this link here. The code of conduct includes obvious elements such as not harassing players, being poisonous or promoting playful V-buck scams, etc.

4. You must be able to receive a payment in a form supported by Epic, and you can not be in China, Iran or North Korea (do people play Fortnite in North Korea?)


Epic already warns players that it will be an "experience", as they have never done anything like this before. They are waiting for a backlog of applications. The sooner you apply, the more likely you are to be selected because they may have to close entries at some point.

In terms of whether this program is really good for the creators, I mean, it's free money, so basically it's better than nothing. But $ 5 per 10,000 spending by V-Bucks supporters will not pile up quickly, especially for smaller creators. 10,000 V-Bucks, that's about $ 100, depending on the lots you buy, so you can get people to spend 50,000 V-Bucks, a sum paid by Epic as a grand prize for the # Summer skirmish and that will bring you a total … $ 25.

If you compare that, the Twitch Prime subscription, where fans pay $ 5 a month, $ 2.50 to $ 3.50 goes to the creator, and the other part to Twitch, that's not great, being given that this is a 5% royalty, and yet, again, it's better than nothing, so there's really no reason do not apply. And of course, for creators who already have very many fans, such as Ninja, Lupo, Tfue, Myth, etc., this could be very lucrative if any of their millions of followers line them up. argued, "as these V-buck purchases could add up quickly on this scale.

It is also more than just the benevolence of Epic. He uses the creators as a means of marketing, because not only will they seek the support of their fans, but they will also tell them to spend V-Bucks, where Epic gets 95% of those purchases that might not have been made if the creators did not push their fans into the spending frenzy. It seems likely that in the coming months, Epic will come out with pretty Halloween and holiday skins, leading to more shopping than usual.

I think it's a good idea. It is an idea that looks like a "give back" to the creators, while also working as marketing. We'll see how it goes. Apply if you want to participate in the action, but unless you are already a huge Fortnite superstar, do not expect to get rich from the program.

Follow me on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. Read my new detective science fiction novel Herokiller, now available in print and online. I have also written The trilogy born of the earth.


Fortnite would not be what he is today without his legions of creators who blow up the game on Twitch and YouTube, and Epic certainly seems to realize it. That's why they launched a new program that will run from next week to the end of the year. If you are a creator, you can get free money whenever your friends or fans spend V-Bucks in the game.

If you want to support a creator yourself, you will enter his Epic name in the game next week and every 14 days you can select it again or choose a new one. After that, your purchases with V-Buck, whether paid for or earned in game, will give the creator money in the form of a fee. But I think more people are curious to know if they can be paid for themselves, and this process will be a bit more complicated.

Here's how to apply / possibly qualify for your own part of the pie, ie $ 5 is paid for 10,000 V-dollars that your support spends.

1. To be a "creator", you must have regularly created and broadcast Fortnite content in the last thirty days. This includes obvious things like streaming Twitch and YouTube, but could also be a fan art, a modified video, music or, uh, maybe even an article, like me. It's happy, no?

2. You need to have 1,000 subscribers on a single social media platform, Twitch, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, etc.

3. You must complete the Epic Affiliate Agreement and abide by the Creator Code of Conduct. I can not find any information on the Affiliation Agreement, but I think it will be part of the process when you apply using this link here. The code of conduct includes obvious elements such as not harassing players, being poisonous or promoting playful V-buck scams, etc.

4. You must be able to receive a payment in a form supported by Epic, and you can not be in China, Iran or North Korea (do people play Fortnite in North Korea?)

Epic already warns players that it will be an "experience", as they have never done anything like this before. They are waiting for a backlog of applications. The sooner you apply, the more likely you are to be selected because they may have to close entries at some point.

In terms of whether this program is really good for the creators, I mean, it's free money, so basically it's better than nothing. But $ 5 per 10,000 spending by V-Bucks supporters will not pile up quickly, especially for smaller creators. 10,000 V-Bucks, that's about $ 100, depending on the lots you buy, so you can get people to spend 50,000 V-Bucks, a sum paid by Epic as a grand prize for the # Summer skirmish and that will bring you a total … $ 25.

If you compare that, the subscription to Twitch Prime, where fans pay $ 5 a month, $ 2.50 to $ 3.50 goes to the creator, and the other part to Twitch, that's not great, being given that it is a 5% royalty. again, it's better than nothing, so there's really no reason do not apply. And of course, for creators who already have very many fans, such as Ninja, Lupo, Tfue, Myth, etc., this could be very lucrative if any of their millions of followers line them up. argued, "as these V-buck purchases could add up quickly on this scale.

It is also more than just the benevolence of Epic. He uses the creators as a means of marketing, because not only will they seek the support of their fans, but they will also tell them to spend V-Bucks, where Epic gets 95% of those purchases that might not have been made if the creators did not push their fans into the spending frenzy. It seems likely that in the coming months, Epic will come out with pretty Halloween and holiday skins, leading to more shopping than usual.

I think it's a good idea. It is an idea that looks like a "give back" to the creators, while also working as marketing. We'll see how it goes. Apply if you want to participate in the action, but unless you are already a huge Fortnite superstar, do not expect to get rich from the program.

Follow me on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. Read my new detective science fiction novel Herokiller, now available in print and online. I have also written The trilogy born of the earth.

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