How to make an excellent assassin in Assassin's Creed Odyssey


We could be forgiven for thinking Assassin's Creed Odyssey was a stuffed mix of action from 300 and Wonder Woman, all the dangling axes of battle and guys get fired from the cliffs. But the word "Assassin" is exactly in the title and it is more than possible to play the role of a stealth killer. In fact, it's really fun.

I'm about 30 hours to Odyssey, and had a fantastic time. For example, a "sacred shit, it's so much better than I thought I was, and I thought it was going to be good," kind of time. Many of these good times are due to the fact that I built a character that allows me to play the game as a sneaky assassin, which has not always been so easy. OdysseyPredecessor, Assassin's Creed Origins.

As if mandatory for all modern games in the open world AAA, Assassin's Creed Odyssey has three skill trees. hunter focuses on bow and arrow abilities, warrior focuses on melee combat, and Assassin Concentrates on stealth and stabbing for huge damage. The game restricts your available moves so that it is impossible to unlock and use all possible abilities at the same time. You will have to learn to specialize. Fortunately, you can reassign all your skills at a lower cost at any time (all RPGs should do this !!). So it's easy to experiment until you find a construction that's right for you.

I'm here today to explain how to create a very good killer build and how to maximize those abilities once you unlock them. A note before whom I play the game in difficult difficultyand I really like it. It took a while to get used to it, but I think that building an Assassin is an additional pleasure if the fight is a little more penalizing than it is in normal difficulty. However, Hard was pretty hard for my first five or six levels, so I could see that I was starting normally, and that I was getting to the bottom as soon as you put your feet underfoot.

Understand how the damage works.

In addition to the direct damage caused by a weapon, your character suffers three types of damage: hunter, warrior and assassin. You can check yours in the menus of your equipment. Whenever an ability tells you that it inflicts "X% Hunter damage" or whatever, it uses that number as a base. These numbers are much higher than your regular melee and ranged attacks, as your abilities are far more powerful than your basic attacks.

Here is where my level 25 character is:

Because I have almost fully equipped my character for assassin damage, this number is unusually high. Whatever the case may be, the damage of the assassin will be much greater than that of the other two. This makes sense, since most assassination moves are ideally unique killings that require you to not be detected before removing them, so they have a more limited application than other abilities. Whatever it is, the first thing to do to create an Assassin is to get that number of killer damage as high as possible, which you can do by choosing armor. and the appropriate weapons.

Make sure all your gear is specialized.

Your armor is one of the most important things to make a good Assassin. Make sure each piece you wear amplifies the damage done by Assassin and also tries to increase the damage done by poisons and critics. Hunter damage is acceptable if you really like the appearance of a room or its level much higher than anything you have, but in general you want to increase your Assassin damage as much as possible. Weapons can also increase the damage you deal to the Assassin. So try to equip the weapons that strengthen it further.

Go heavy on the killer skills, of course.

Here are the skills I assigned to my level 25 killer:

I've almost put everything in the Assassin tree, with a few exceptions in the Hunter and Warrior trees. I found this fun, engaging and viable version of everything from stealth combat to total combat, especially when I play creatively and focus on my strengths. I will now list the most important of these capabilities, as well as some strategies and combinations of skills that I use to exploit them to the full.

Meet Hero Strike, your new best friend.

Your first thought may be the same as mine: how can I make a viable Assassin in combat? Especially since I have to participate in conquest battles, which do not allow stealth? Well, let me tell you about Hero Strike.

Based on her description, Hero Strike does not look very good. On its first level, you make a single hit for 60% of your killer damage. Which is good, of course, but why not do a regular or critical assassination? What makes Hero Strike successful is not explicitly described in the description of the ability, but it should be: you can do it during a normal fight.

Remember these numbers before? Your killer damage is probably above 10,000, so 60% of that is a lot damage. Keep improving it (and improve your spear) and you will eventually be able to do 100% of the Assassin damage you have done in combat. It bypasses the shields and is basically impossible to dodge. It is enough to kill, or almost, any enemy you face.

Hero Strike is the pivot of my Assassin build, and easily the most important ability I have. It's great at fighting regular sniper enemies and inflicting massive damage on more powerful enemies, and is also a good complement to tracking a regular assassination attempt while you're still fighting. sneak out. As in originassassination movements are not always enough to kill an enemy at once, but only the most powerful enemies resist an assassination followed by a heroic attack.

Meet poison, your other new best friend.

I initially rejected the poison ability "Venomous Attacks" as being too specialized. I did not need to poison people, I was bombarding them with my sword, right? That was a mistake, because poison is just as important as Hero Strike, especially during larger fights and conquering battles. After two thirds, the poison on my blades and arrows lasts 25 seconds and does not cost adrenaline. At three levels, he will not even have a cooldown, so if I fight, I will poison.

If you hit an enemy with enough poison, he will become intoxicated. This means that they suffer damage over time, but perhaps more importantly, their armor and damage are both reduced. This means that your basic attacks will do a lot more damage and your hero attacks and hunter arrows attacks will be devastating. Many assassin-focused armors increase the damage of your assassin, your poison and their duration, so that with the right equipment, your poison will be even more powerful.

Also get these other assassin abilities:

  • Assassination precipitated is extremely useful, especially if you improve it to allow you to chain your attacks on several enemies. You can even chain it between two enemies, which means you can play ping pong between two hard-to-kill captains and stab them more than once. It's a pretty hilarious way to win a fight before it even starts.
  • Disappear is also useful, and it's worth putting at least one point. Activate this ability when you are surrounded, squat down, and then slide into tall grass or around a corner nearby. The people you fought will immediately have question marks above their heads, which means that they are in search mode. It also means that they are now vulnerable to killing abilities. For example, a devastating chain of Rush assassinations. Rinse and repeat to refine the enemy ranks without letting them out with a single momentum.
  • Critical Assassination and Assassin of the shadow are the two obvious ones to upgrade. They make your basic assassinations more powerful, so yes, get them.
  • Slow time It's great, especially when it is associated with the hunter abilities that I will list below. It's good to get some free scrimmage on enemies, but even better to use the extra time you have to retreat, aim and get a good draw on your bow.

Just take one (or maybe two) warrior abilities.

In the previous screenshot of the composition of my character, you probably noticed that I have almost no skill in the two left branches. This is because for a pure Assassin build, you really do not need them, and in particular, you do not need Warrior skills.

Now, I'm not saying that warrior abilities are not fun, or that a hybrid build is not possible! But for the sake of pure Assassin construction, it's better without them … with one or two exceptions.

First of all, as my colleague Heather Alexandra pointed out in her article on tips, get at least a level of Second breath as soon as possible, because everyone should be able to get treatment if needed. At level 25, I finally unlocked a level of Gear Gear Plus, it's not a bad idea to have harder armor. Apart from that, it's all the abilities of the Assassins and, to a lesser extent, Hunter's abilities.

Some hunter abilities are also useful.

Your bow will always be useful to you with an assassin build, so it's worth taking these hunter abilities:

  • Master of archery is obviously and generally useful. It increases the damage done to your bow and helps you recover more Adrenaline, which is useful. Your bow will do much more damage in combat than an ordinary melee attack. You must increase them as much as possible. Thanks to the way Archery Master reloads adrenaline blocks in part, it's possible to regularly kill an enemy, then spend an adrenaline point to make a hero strike and complete them, then recover your adrenaline point. . Not bad.
  • Multi-Shot works well in open combat, softening enemy crews during naval battles and conquest battles. It goes well with Slow timebecause you will need those extra seconds to line up your shot and pull the rope completely without being attacked. It works as well with Poisonbecause you can intoxicate a whole bunch of enemies at the same time, reducing their damage and armor. If you are about to jump on an enemy ship, remember to shoot a few poisoned arrows.
  • Predatory shooting is useful in the same way that it was in origin, in that you can quickly eliminate elemental enemies from a distance, without breaking the stealth or even moving around. It's also funny to fly your arrows at a distance. You could probably do without it, but it's good to have this option, and, like Multi-Shot, it goes particularly well with Slow time in open combat.

These three skills are in fact the only hunter abilities I have active in my current version. I found it Sixth Sense It was not worth it to spend a point, and most of the other abilities I tried seemed more related to the situation and could trigger alarms. I will probably unlock a few more once I have reached the assassin abilities I want.

Make one melee ability wheel for combat and another to sneak.

Once you have upgraded your spear, you will have access to a second melee skill wheel. It seems obvious that you have one wheel for the fight and another for sneaking, and you should do it even if you build an Assassin.

j & # 39; I Poison, Slow time, Second breath, and Hero's Strike on my fighting wheel, and Slow time, Disappear, Assassination precipitated, and Hero's Strike on my stealth wheel. Slow Time is only on the stealthy wheel because I have nothing else to go, but if I add a day Call to arms or Shadow of Nyx As for my configuration, two abilities that I did not use much, but which, I think, could open up new fun possibilities, I'll put them there.

Change your style of play to complement your abilities.

Now that you have built an Assassin, it is time to learn how to use it. As a reminder, I play difficult difficulty and I think in fact that it is a great way to get the most out of this type of construction. The key is to stay hidden whenever possible, poison everyone and disappear at any time. If you ever find yourself openly attacking an enemy with a melee weapon, you do it badly. Well no false exactly, since it will probably work, but you could do things a lot better.

When you fight, bet more than you dodge. The parades overthrow the enemies around you and give you a moment's rest to plan your next move. Use Hero Strikes to reduce the health of your toughest enemies and bow your head to finish them off.

Slow time, step back for multiple shooting, and then trigger a vanishing flashbang. Hide in the bushes, then chase three Rush Assassinations. Before he knows what's going on, the high-level mercenary who has led a group of guys to challenge you, you'll be left alone, hurt, with nowhere to go, while the cooldown of your Hero Strike is almost done.

Think like a sneaky assassin.

Odyssey is very flexible in the possible play styles it allows, but you must actively embrace your build to make the most of this flexibility. You are not a warrior with torn head, who wades in battle and Spartan kicks all in sight! You're sneaky, so you have to think sneakily. Scout out basics. Earn adrenaline points for killer commanders with critical assassination and hero strike. Do not burn supply caches as long as there is no one. And always, always hide the bodies.

I hope these tips will help you become the most murderous killer of all of ancient Greece. Good luck.

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