How to Play With Friends in Fallout 76


How to Play With Friends in Fallout 76


with Fallout 76 being the first multiplayer Fallout is a lot of players looking to jump into the game with a friend or two.

Fallout 76 does not have specific servers to join but instead What you may have noticed is that you are a member of the family.

This means your friends do not have any excuses to play with you.

Once you've got your hands on your game, you'll be able to get into your party.

According to Bethesda's website, it is not very hard to accomplish.

If you're playing on a console, your friends will be able to appear in the social game. If you're on a PC, you can send a friend to the Social Menu and enter their account names into the search bar. Alternatively, you can add players by simply selecting them and clicking on "Add Friend".

Once your friends have received and accepted your request, you will be able to see them when they are online. If you find yourself in trouble, any friends who are in your world can also get instant help from your location.

Basically, if you're on Xbox One or PS4 you'll do the same thing you usually do to invite players to your game. If you're on your way to your homepage. You can find your Social Menu on the PC by ESC and then C.

Now if only Bethesda could figure something out about push-to-talk.

Fallout 76 November 14 for Xbox One, PS4 and PC. The PC will not be on Steam but instead will be through Bethesda's new online store.

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