How will Amazon and Microsoft evict Google to become our next Android lords?



Image: ZDNet

Since the creation of Android, at least in the Western Hemisphere, the Google Play Store has been the primary way for app developers to distribute their software on this platform.

Traditionally, the idea that an equipment maker trying to sell its products in North America, LATAM or EMEA could produce a smartphone or tablet without Google Store and Play services, was unfathomable. Without access to Google's key applications (GMail, Calendar, Hangouts, YouTube, Google Maps, Chrome browser) and popular third-party apps, a mobile device was useless from the consumer's point of view.

Yes, there were third-party alternatives like Amazon Appstore. But these did not have the ability to install Google's own apps and many of the popular third-party apps, especially games, did not participate in these alternative apps stores either. because of the lesser opportunity for advertising revenue.

Without Google Play and Play services, you simply have not built a device for the Western market. Period. The massive failure of Amazon with its Fire Phone in 2014 has demonstrated.

But we are almost in 2019 and the perception of Google's overall value proposition is changing.

During the summer, the European Union sentenced Google to a fine of 4.34 billion euros (fine of 5 billion euros) because of its practices of requiring the grouping of applications on OEM devices licensing a Play Store, as well as the use of its search engine. Google also prevented companies from selling "split" versions of Android if they were planning to sell products with preinstalled business applications.

As a result of the EU 's antitrust decision against the company, Google must now stop aggregating applications on Android phones and lift restrictions on forklift or modified versions. Android. Google is also undergoing a thorough review with Android in the European Union and could result in new fines.

Google has now announced its intention to comply with the decision pending its appeal, which could take years. If OEMs wish to pre-install Google apps in Europe, they now charge this privilege with a fixed license fee.

The cost of this license could reach $ 40 per device, depending on the actual hardware capabilities, such as the pixel density of the display.

Of course, Google is already taking advantage of Android by absorbing a substantial share of the apps revenue generated by the developers participating in the Play Store and by monetizing search engine queries of users through targeted ads.

In terms of reducing the profits of the equipment manufacturers, it is important. And that could mean that OEMs could now look for alternatives by trying to reduce the costs of these devices and improve their margins, especially in emerging markets.

On a "hero" device such as the Samsung Galaxy S9, which could sell for $ 600 or $ 700 retail, $ 40 represents a sunk cost that an OEM could easily bury and pass on to the consumer. But not on a $ 200 device or maybe even $ 400.

What alternatives exist?

Amazon and Microsoft are the two companies best suited to confront Google in terms of ecosystem applications and native applications for Android.

Four or five years ago it would have been inconceivable. Neither company was able to provide compelling applications or in-store experiences comparable to those of Google.

But that has changed.

Amazon has built a significant customer base with its premium service and its music and video platforms are now among the best in the industry. She is also making remarkable progress in the field of IoT and home automation with her intelligent assistant Alexa and is building a very extensive partner hardware ecosystem around this platform.

And while the hardware of the Fire OS tablet is not a huge ecosystem compared to the global Android space, it is not left out either. The user experience of Amazon Appstore has improved dramatically in recent years, as has Fire OS UX.

In essence, Amazon has created a parallel Android universe with its own hardware and applications.

Microsoft, for its part, has developed a more symbiotic relationship with Android. In recent years, he has built a large amount of applications for the platform, for mainstream and professional use, which are free to use (aka "freemium"), but are more useful when they are associated with the company's paid subscription, Office 365 and others. cloud services such as OneDrive and OneDrive for Business.

It now has more than 100 apps for the Android platform. This includes its excellent Outlook messaging and calendar software, its fast and modernized Edge browser, its smart assistant Cortana and its Swiftkey keyboard, considered by many to be one of the best on the Android platform.

The company also introduced an updated version of its launch program, which replaces the default program manager on Android devices and is fully integrated with the Windows 10 timeline, OneDrive cloud storage, the Bing search engine , news content and Office 365 services.

Microsoft actually has enough applications and services to directly call hardware partners such as Samsung, LG, Huawei and OnePlus to create a Google-free Android device at an extremely competitive price. not only Europe, but also for many developed and developing countries. And that includes North America and LATAM.

The only thing missing in the equation would be a store to be used by Microsoft to install its apps and a monetization opportunity for third parties using ad-supported revenue and in-app purchases.

Microsoft has already created a store for its Windows 10 platform that supports "modern" Windows 10 applications as well as specially packaged Win32 applications. They would simply need to add support for the packaging and installation of Android apps for Android devices.

Microsoft would also need to create a Microsoft Store app for Android. It would be trivial, because they already created .NET for this platform with Xamarin, so it would be a relatively untouched port.

Microsoft could certainly do it alone and try to woo the carriers and equipment manufacturers. And that could succeed with that. But I do not think that's what they should do.

Cats and dogs?

I think Microsoft is stronger if it teams up with Amazon to provide a viable third-party ecosystem for Android, multi-vendor and integrating the participation of other major software companies.

Clearly, Microsoft and Amazon are major rivals in the commercial cloud. Azure and AWS compete directly. But in many ways, Microsoft and Amazon are complementary because most of their product and service lines do not intersect.

Does it look like dogs and cats teaming up to fight the threat of squirrels? Let's look at it rationally.

Both are powerful technology companies based in the Pacific Northwest, whose campuses are very close to each other. If you look at what their employees actually do, they are each big consumers of their products.

I know it because I worked at Microsoft and I know a lot of old Softies who worked for Amazon. And vice versa. They socialize in the same circles.

Microsoft users purchase many consumer products and services from Amazon outside of business hours. They also use a large number of Microsoft products and services. The reality is quite different from the perceived cold-blood competition between the two when it comes to their trading clouds.

So yes, there are areas where they can not easily cooperate – but there are many where they can. In addition, they are able to fill the gaps in functionality that Google's applications and services do not fulfill. There is therefore a much more complete ecosystem that they associate together on an application store, an advertising engine and UX for Android. .

A large number of agreements should be in place to define the type of partnership with which they would not be associated and the revenue sharing. But if there is a will, there is a way.

Amazon and Microsoft are already collaborating on how to make Alexa and Cortana integrated on Windows 10 and on Echo devices. Today, you can use Alexa to summon Cortana as a skill on Amazon Echo devices. You will soon also be able to use Alexa to control Xbox One consoles.

It is also possible, thanks to the multi-cloud API integration, that the two wizards merge so that Alexa and Cortana can constitute a contiguous single user experience and produce more useful and intelligent results for queries. users. It does not exist today, but it is absolutely feasible. And it comes.

An alliance between Amazon and Microsoft would be synonymous with convenience and mutual disgust for Google. The applications and the store and the successive partnerships would constitute the "Microzon" ecosystem. Sounds crazy? Successful alliances between rivals have been built for much more trivial reasons.

These two players are very motivated to distance themselves from Google in Europe and other regions as the company stifles their mobile growth. And Google does not do the same to Amazon and Microsoft who offer compelling applications on their platform.

Google does not provide applications or skills for Fire OS or Alexa. Apart from Chrome and Backup and Synchronization (Google Drive), there are no native applications for Windows 10. Efforts to fill this feature gap under Windows 10 are rather third-party applications for developers trying to get started. use undocumented or poorly documented Google APIs.

Amazon and Microsoft have battle scars and accounts to settle with Google – Amazon was burned with their Fire Phone because of the hegemony of Google in the consumer area with a gap in applications and Windows 10 Microsoft's Mobile / Windows Phone has suffered for similar reasons. Yes, both envy Apple, but Google is the real problem. And one that they can actually do something about.

Everyone is weaker if they try to go alone. But together, I would not bet against them.

Amazon and Microsoft will they put their differences aside and join forces in the Android space? Speak back and let me know.


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