Huawei attracts the Apple Store's queues for the iPhone XS with free feed banks


That's the day of the release of the new iPhones, and you can bet that there are already waiting lines in front of the Apple stores, and there will be stunts pulled by the competition of 39; Apple to highlight the disadvantages of iPhone XS and XS Max.

Until now, the potential drama of battery life is only on paper, because despite the reduced capabilities of new iPhones compared to their Android counterparts, Apple actually cites an improved endurance compared to theirs. predecessors. After all, we all know that an iPhone can not be compared to an iPhone … or so Apple wants us to think.

This did not stop Huawei from getting a handsome helping hand for those lining up in front of the Singapore Apple Store. The representatives of the company approached people to lend them "respite from time and exhausting expectation"This respite came in the form of power banks, complete with"Here is a power bank. You will need it Courtesy of Huawei. "written on the box.

Needless to say, Huawei's fans are now angry, and the bleachers said the company was giving them the $ 70 bank, instead of giving Apple 200 fans. You simply can not win this thing, but those who were napping at the tail and woke up in a brand new power bank? Soft.

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