Hyundai launches the Iron Man edition & # 39; ultra cool of his Kona SUV


San Diego, USA – You could very well be all Hyundai's (and Maroon 5's) after those disgusting and repetitive World Cup announcements, but the Korean builder fought back with something cool : a Kona inspired Iron Man "My armor is manageable, fast and very fun at parties," said the Iron Man alter ego, Tony Stark, and in the manner of Stark, Hyundai unveiled the Kona SUV Special Edition at the opening of the San Diego Comic this week. -Con 2018.

As the centerpiece of the Marvel booth, the Kona Iron Man Edition features interior and exterior settings that give the Iron Man costume a visual eye. And the coolest part is that it's not just a concept but will be available to customers in a limited overall output.

Production of the vehicle is expected to begin in December, with the first units available in the first quarter of 2019. For more details visit

"There is a beautiful synergy between fun and adventurous nature Kona's and the playful and daring character of Iron Man / Tony Stark, "said Dean Evans, director of marketing. from Hyundai Motor America. "The result is a remarkable special edition that, we are sure, will please both Marvel fans and SUV enthusiasts."

"Seeing this car's liveliness is like fulfilling wishes for a lot of us," said Mindy Hamilton, senior vice president of Marvel's Global Partnerships & Marketing. "When you read comic books, you dream to see this technology and these inventions come true. We hope everyone will have as much fun jumping into this one – of – a – kind vehicle as it would bring Iron Man 's armor!

On the outside, the Kona Iron Man Edition has a unique light signature, including a custom-made daytime fire shape that looks a lot like the mask and shape of the Iron Man suit's eyes. Other Stark-style frills include a roof-mounted Iron Man mask pattern, a unique V-shaped V trim, an Iron Man front fender, lower curbs and rear door decals, internal surfaces 18 "Alloy wheels with Iron Man mask hubcaps, Iron Man engraving for D pillars and a dark chrome grille. The exterior color is an exclusive Iron Man red with matte gray.

Inside, Tony Stark's signature adorns the dashboard next to a unique Iron Man lever shifter, one of a kind Special head-up display and a central console with Iron Man graphics.

Hyundai recently announced the launch of the Kona compact SUV in South Africa later this year. The Kona has an avant-garde and futuristic style that breaks the normal mold of SUVs, and it will rank next to the slightly larger and more conservative Creta of the market segment.

It is not yet known which derivatives are going to SA, initially available in a choice of three petrol gasoline engines: a 3.0-liter three-cylinder turbo with powers of 88kW and 172Nm, an atmospheric 2 liters ( 110kW and 180Nm), and a 1.6 turbo four-cylinder (130kW and 265Nm). Later this year, a turbo diesel version and an electric version will be added to the range.

And before asking, it's still too early to tell if South African buyers will be able to order their Kona in the Iron Man specification. ! function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {
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