"I hope to have a career in Silicon Valley after that" – TechCrunch


Shout "Women's rights are workers' rights" and a number of songs #TimesUp and #MeToo, more than 1,000 of Google The employees met Thursday at the Harry Bridges Plaza in San Francisco to protest the treatment of cases of sexual harassment and misconduct by the company.

Staff members from all Google offices in San Francisco were present. An organizer, who declined to give his name, told TechCrunch that 1,500 Google employees around the world had participated in the 48 hours spent organizing a global walkout. The effort was a major success. More than 3,000 Googlers and supporters of the movement witnessed the disengagement of the city of New York. No less than 1,000 Googlers and others took part in the San Francisco walkout, which organizers said was double the expected number.

Cathay Bi, a Google employee in San Francisco and one of the walkout organizers, told a group of journalists at the protest that she had a hard time participating in the walkout and finally decided not to publicly divulge his own story of sexual harassment.

"I was a victim of sexual harassment at Google and I did not feel safe to talk about it," said Bi, pictured above. "That feeling of not being safe is why I'm here today. I would love everyone to feel safe talking about it. "

"It's often happened to me, in the last 24 hours, to contact the group by e-mail and say, 'I do not do it because I'm scared,' but this fear is a felt by all the others, "she said. "I told myself last night, I hope to still have a career in Silicon Valley after that."

Other organizers refused to appear on the disc.

Protests have been taking place all over the world today, including London, Dublin, Montreal, Singapore, New York, San Francisco and Cambridge, following a New York Times investigation revealing that Google had offered to Andy Rubin, co-creator of Android, a $ 90 million exit package, despite multiple relationships with other Google staff members and credible allegations of sexual misconduct against him . This story, coupled with the well-established problem of harassment and discrimination against women and underrepresented minorities, has been a catalyst for today's gatherings.

At the rally, the Googlers read their list of demands, which included the end of forced arbitration in case of harassment and discrimination, a commitment to end wage inequalities and opportunities and a process clear and inclusive to report sexual misconduct safely and anonymously.

They also ask the research giant to promote Danielle Brown, head of diversity. to a role in which she reports directly to Chief Executive Officer Sundar Pichai, and the addition of a staff representative to the company's board of directors.

Here is Pichai Google's statement delivered to TechCrunch this morning: "Earlier this week, we informed Googlers that we are aware of what's planned for today and that employees will get the support they need if they want to participate. Employees raised constructive ideas about how we can improve our policies and processes. We take into account all their comments in order to realize these ideas. "

Now, employees around the world are waiting for the highly anticipated Google "action" course.

"These types of changes do not happen overnight," said Bi. "If we waited for them overnight, we would have erroneous expectations as to how these movements occur."

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